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What Kent Phab does and howBrief summary of the Kent Phab projectsTOGether in LEisure projectKOB puppet workshop projectDisability Equality TrainingClubs run to include disabled peopleLatest news from the Kent Phab officeHelp and advice for those affected by disabilityFind out about the people that run Kent PhabHow to get in contact with Kent PhabKent Phab Home                                             
An on-line resource for matching Togle members with volunteers  

Meet some of the people waiting to be joined with 
people to take part in mainstream activites

Fred Smith Likes Star Wars and curries!
Jo Bloggs Looking for someone to share hobbies in planes and tanks
Sara Jones Does horseriding and rock climbing
Jane Fish Loves eating cream cakes
What is Phab? - Projects - Team - Support - News - Contacts
-- registered charity no. 298769 --