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Opinions & Thoughts

I'd just like to say that all of these opinions and thoughts are either of my own, or I may have heard of it, agreed with it wholeheartedly, but forgot who said it to me and I mistakenly thought of it as my own. If it was the latter, I apologise first. I'd also like to say that if you disagree with any of the comments I've made, well, each to their own, and since this is a free country, why not you start your own opinions page? Okay, on to the opinions.

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1. Give me time and I'll give you the world.

2. Piracy is a crime all right, but so is overpricing.

3. I'd love to know how to drive because I'm tired of saying "Why drive when I can be driven?" and lying to myself.

4. To love someone is a beautiful thing, but to have that love returned is the greatest thing on Earth.

5. I find it ridiculous that some rich company would slap its logo onto a plain white cotton T-shirt and charge 50 bucks for it.

6. Some kids, they should really stay out of the way.

7. Why do some people insist on uglifying themselves with failed attempts at making fashion statements?

8. Still, some of them do look pretty hilarious.

9. I know a lot of people will disagree with this, but when it comes to religion, this is what I think in a metaphorical way. Every religion is a river, and they all lead to the same ocean of belief. Deep inside they are all the same, with all the good intentions.

10. Um, aliens exist.

11. People who buy popular books to decorate their bookshelves and increase their so-called credibility instead of reading them are really sad lamers.

12. Do earrings really look that good on a guy? Just the other day I saw a dude with one and I was ready to puke.

13. Clocks and watches should never run out of batteries.

14. I thought that the phrase "It's a guy thing" is really really lame.

15. I'm also getting fed up of the phrase "You go, girl!" Who's going where?

16. Censorship is sin.

17. But darn it, if there only was another way to watch any type of film without worrying about anything offensive there.

18. I find that the only thing worse than noisy people making noise in restaurants are noisy people making noise in posh restaurants.

19. I think that the f-word has lost its offensiveness since anyone and everyone is using it every time of the day. Time to invent another swearword.

20. 95% of all boy bands have earned my wrath. Good job, boys. :Þ

21. Why can't some people be more direct instead of beating around the metaphorical bush? Remember what Jack Nicholson said? "People who talk in metaphor should shampoo my crotch."

22. I think that everyone should pay a compliment or two to someone else everyday. You don't have to pay for it, after all.

23. If the quality of a certain population can be represented by its leader, then I suggest the U.S. better get a new president quick.

24. Does anyone notice that all Chinese love songs sound alike?

25. Aging rock stars should look and act their age.

26. Humour is a gift. Either you have it or you don't.

27. People who pretend to be anything but themselves are really sad lamers.

28. Copying another person's answers in an exam means that you trust that person more than you trust yourself.

29. People who buy for the sake of buying should give their money to me.

30. I've always thought that plastic surgery means not wanting to look like what you were meant to look like.

31. The only thing worse than disloyalty is betrayal.

32. People who want a second opinion want to be lied to.

33. Honesty is overrated.

34. The blank, white stare of the full moon really creeps me out. Is it really all that beautiful?

35. People who say "no pun intended" actually intended to put the pun in so that they can say "no pun intended" after the intended pun.

36. All the unofficial merchandising for Titanic last year went way overboard.

37. No pun intended. :)

38. I don't believe there is such a thing as constructive criticism, since criticism is meant to hurt.

39. You should only trust a person as much as he/she trusts you.

40. People who say "I hate to say I told you so" are lying.

41. Subtitles get in the way.

42. Know-it-all doctors explaining/criticising every scene while watching "ER" in the presence of others should let the actors do the talking.

43. Same goes for cops and "NYPD Blue".

44. I really think that if two people insist on paying the same restaurant bill they should pay 50/50 to avoid any embarassment to the rest of the people in the table.

45. Why isn't there orange-flavoured ice cream?

46. History is darn tough, but think of what awaits your grandchildren when they study it and you'll feel better.

47. Stephen King is the only author forgivable for letting his surname take up half a book cover.

48. The future is in MP3.

49. People who don't respond/react/reply when they're called at better be deaf. So please respond.

50. I think people who buy a lot of self-help books should hide them when visitors drop by.

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