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Opinions & Thoughts

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51. Black is such a cool colour I don't think it should ever be associated with sadness. You want a really sad-looking colour, try dull green.

52. The letter "X" is overused nowadays.

53. Identity cards should be renamed identity number cards. Think about it.

54. Malaysian English is killing English English, but that doesn't mean I'm not using it.

55. People wearing branded apparel are advertising for said companies without pay. Me too, as a matter of fact.

56. Wouldn't you like to see the Coyote finally catching the Road Runner?

57. The inventor of decaffeinated coffee is unclear on the concept.

58. I'd love to sock some actors who openly express their willingness to play a blind/mentally ill/physically disabled person. Lamers all.

59. Old men who swear disgusts me.

60. Romantic movies blow the ending away with just the movie poster.

61. If you want to know how to break millions of hearts without lifting a finger, ask Michael Jordan.

62. But darn it, the sport will never be the same without him.

63. It's one thing to like something, but it's another thing to pretend liking something just because other people do.

64. Funny how some people pronounce the "i" sound so literally. Mult-i-media, sem-i-final, I-ran... come on!

65. Singers relentlessly doing covers must be running out of ideas.

66. Anyone notice that a heck of a lot of Malay bands sound like the Scorpions? Not that it's a good thing.

67. A skill might fade in time but never a talent.

68. I find the placement of consecutive "X"s in the same word futile.

69. Anyone who still thinks that thick-framed glasses are cool must have watched Austin Powers one time too many.

70. People who endlessly modify their vehicles with extra bumpers, stickers, wings and whatnot should consider getting a life.

71. Stereotyping is the worst one can do to a total stranger.

72. Why is it that in movies, men will always rear dogs, while the women get the cats?

73. Exaggeration is darned fun.

74. People putting on fake Western accents should realise that the real McCoys don't say 'howdy partner' and 'yee-haw' every two seconds.

75. A perfect day is never a perfect day without someone to share it with.

76. I always support the underdog because I'm constantly reminded that those at the top have nowhere else to go but down.

77. But of course, if the underdog I support comes out on top in the near future, that's a different story.

78. How many people actually like the nicknames they're given?

79. Wait a minute, I do.

80. When buying a birthday gift, I'm in the opinion that albums are out, because if you don't know the recipient's musical taste, chances are you'll buy him/her some album he/she doesn't like. If you do know the recipient's taste and would like to buy an album he/she will surely like, bigger chances are he/she already has that album.

81. You know what I'd suggest? A simple T-shirt, unless you're not sure of the size worn by the recipient. In which case...

82. A book would do, you know? Fictional ones, you know what I mean, surely not the dreaded revision books. Unless the recipient isn't the reading type.

83. In my case the last resort would be... socks. Hey, they're practical, right? One size fits all, and nobody I know doesn't wear socks. Problem solved.

84. My view on birthday gift no-no's:
VCDs (what, and encourage piracy?)
Gift certificates (you want the recipient to spend s'more money? Aha, very nice.)
Stationery (and remind them of work or school?)
Cutesy gifts like soft toys or music boxes if recipient is of the opposite sex, unless you want everyone else to know you have the hots for him/her.
Expensive stuff like watches, sneakers or walkmen, because everyone else will shun you for overshadowing their gifts. Unless it's a yuppie birthday, of course.

85. I don't see why some kids like goody-two-shoes cartoon characters so much.

86. All my life I've been either misunderstood or misinterpreted. And I'm betting that some of you just misunderstood or misinterpreted what I just said.

87. Companies modifying popular songs to promote their products are really sad lamers.

88. "Everyone is innocent until proven guilty", by modern standards, have been changed to "someone is guilty when the media points the finger at them".

89. My fear of bad dreams keeps me awake at night, and let me tell you I've been awake at night a lot.

90. People who wear sunglasses in the dark must think they're so cool. Lamers.

91. Does anyone watch teen shows for the storylines anymore?

92. Forrest Gump said "I might not be smart, but I know what love is." I think I'm the exact opposite of him in that matter.

93. I kinda think that punching someone back is not shrinking to his level, but just giving the sicko what he really deserves.

94. Horror novels are only as scary as your imagination takes them.

95. I don't believe in being fashionably late. Late is late is late.

96. Whoever believes that rules are made to be broken better be ready to face the consequences as well.

97. Politically correct terms, to me, are just new ways to hurt people.

98. It's depressing to know that something that does not get marketed and promoted heavily will never be popular even if it has quality going for it.

99. It's also depressing to know that there are people who follow temporary, not permanent trends like mindless lemmings, for the sake of personal pride and nothing else.

100. Speaking of which, I bet anyone who still owns a Tamagotchi wished that they didn't blow 50 bucks on it in the first place.

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