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Opinions & Thoughts

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101. Regarding the people who insist that they're happy for someone, chances are they're jealous.

102. Why do some nations insist on calling football 'soccer'?

103. Parents are solely responsible for names like Me-shell, Kathyryne, Fillip, Saimen Daryn and so on; and for over a million headaches.

104. The phrase 'now and forever' has been used way too many times in love songs. Look where over 300 years of songwriting has brought us to.

105. Also appalling is how no one seems to be able to find another rhyme for 'love' other than 'above', and that latter word is always preceded by 'sky' or 'heaven'.

106. I reckon that love is the only thing that can bring someone to the extremes of insanity, anger and ecstacy. For proof, read/watch Romeo and Juliet.

107. No, money doesn't count.

108. People who blame everything on fate are afraid of facing reality.

109. Here's a good example of greed. Actors wanting to take a shot at singing and vice versa.

110. For every person that has a success story, and tells the world that he/she had finally achieved a lifelong dream, I'll bet there are thousands who doesn't.

111. I don't see the point in dropping hints every which way when being direct is also an option.

112. Why is it that when females dress in shirts, suits, coats and pants it isn't called cross-dressing?

113. Saying 'no' when asked to do something sure saves a lot of work.

114. Until the feeling of guilt settles in.

115. The way I see it, Malaysians are kind, caring and helpful people mostly to foreigners.

116. Fluoroscent digital clock displays in a room of darkness certainly creep me out.

117. But besides the above exception, a light in the darkness has always been one of my favourite sights.

118. It's nice to watch old recorded commercials whenever you feel nostalgic.

119. I don't know about you all, but the longest lasting pens I have are those that I found left behind somewhere, and never those which I bought personally.

120.Someone please tell me the appeal of tomyam.

121. Why do 90% of kids' movies have a 'Home Alone'-type ending?

122. Speaking of which, why don't deaths ever occur in a cartoon series, even if it involved two warring clans spanning millions of years?

123. Anyone who can think up practical applications of Additional Maths has my sincere gratitude.

124. Pessimists think of the worst and normally get it.

125. If I had any say about it, flies and mosquitoes would have been extinct a long time ago.

126. My kingdom for the ultimate pimple cream!

127. The cute thing about apple juice is that some people think it's colour is somewhat akin to beer.

128. It used to be a harmless insult like 'knucklehead' and 'nincompoop', but nowadays, before you call someone 'numbnuts', make sure he's not the violent type.

129. Nobody's perfect, we all know that, but I've seen some people who have the brass to think they are.

130. But then the fun part comes when you get to see the 'perfect' people fall flat at doing something they don't know how to.

131. I'll never eat chillies because I don't like the idea of seeds entering my system.

132. One-hit wonders have my sincere sympathy.

133. And so do people with a signature song early on in their careers. I mean, how do they follow up something like that?

134. Over-pronouncing the first and last letters of any word is actually quite fun.

135. Just watch out for the saliva.

136. Why is it that mothers are always the subject of insults and never fathers?

137. Is doing nothing actually possible?

138. It's amusing how many alternate words they have for the word that rhymes with 'sit' and means 'excrement'. Really amusing.

139. The same goes for certain body parts which I'm not going to elaborate on.

140. Fortune tellers being fortune tellers, why aren't they all filthy rich?

141. People who make it an obsession to be different from the rest must really want attention.

142. Before any split-up band plans for a reunion, they should first think of what made them split up in the first place.

143. Is shandy supposed to prepare us for beer?

144. Why waste money electrocuting a person when a bullet in the head works just fine?

145. Silent arguments would take on a whole new meaning if everyone knew telepathy.

146. The term 'all-star' has been severely overused.

147. To those who put the year after your signature: you afraid of us forgetting or what?

148. What happens when two different newspapers give contrasting horoscope readings on the same day?

149. Rumours always being proven wrong, how it came about in the first place I want to know.

150. How do you look up a word in the dictionary if you don't know how to spell it?

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