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TEAM SHEETS~16/04/03
We've had two weeks of competition so far in the 2003 season. There have been some huge results and remarkable comebacks, some very close matches, and matches where 9 players have put on a very brave face against some very experienced full strength teams.

But I'd like to remind all the teams that once the final whistle has been blown, this not the end of the your responsibilities. First and foremost I'm sure ever team does a quick check around your ground to ensure that there is no rubbish left at the ground, particularly electrical type tape. Tape can play havoc with council's mowers.

But secondly that you get your Team Sheets to the registrar BEFORE 7PM Saturday night. This is spelled out in the standing orders, and there is a 2pt penalty for teams that are late. It is the winning teams responsibility, or the home team in the event of a draw, to hand the team sheets in.

There is a fax service available for Distance teams to use, to save travelling, say from Maitland just to hand in Team Sheets. Although this service isn't to be abused, I did receive team sheets from a match held at Federal Park last weekend. Please make a little bit of effort. Although I should also remind you that the Faxed team sheet is a temporary reprieve, I'll need to receive the original Team sheets in the mail, by the Tuesday following the match otherwise the 2pt penalty will still apply.

I think every Team manager should just have a little bit of a closer look at the Standing Orders also regarding the neatness or correct filling out of the team sheet. I can understand that minor things will come up, players will be running late, but If you could please keep your team sheets as neat as possible it will save a lot heartache later.

Lastly, it might be some consolation to know that even the teams competing in the National Soccer League have problems associated with team sheets has highlighted in last weekends match between Newcastle United and Northern Spirit

Have a wonderful holiday, remembering the huge price that Christ paid on the cross, and the glorious miracle of his resurrection.
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