-8- BACK -9- NEXT -10- MAIN
Kari: DUDE! *Kari exclaims as she races around the halls of her oh-so-evil school*
Dan: What? Calm down, calm down.
Kari: You... the reel you... communicated... reely communicated with me.... the reel me. *catches breath*
Dan: Yeah, so?
Kari: Well, I just thought it was spiffy that *glances into camera* some fantasies can start becoming truths.
Dan: Amen sister, there's more to come.
Kari: Right, like I'll eventually be able to dye your hair pink again. *opens her locker as Tara approaches*
Tara: Dude, Kari, why the fugg are we at your Ghetto Arse High School?
Aaron: (appearing) To show those evil teachers not to give homework to anyone that wears red Converse hi tops!!
Tavis: *weeping* Mine are black...
Tara: Dude, you're not in school anymore.
Tavis: Oh, yeah, that's rite. Hey. Do you want to go molest your band director, Kari?
Scott: Yeah! He plays trumpet, right? He can eat my balls with his double tonguing speed!
Kari: No. Uhmn. Just... no.
Tara: Yeah, doesn't he weight like sixteenthousand pounds?
Dan: OOH! Do they have to weigh him in on an industrial scale?
Kari: No, but he's still fat and Scott you don't want to eat him or be eaten by him.
Matt: I eat little punks like him in my sleep!
Aaron: Well, anyway, this place is really scary, Kari. You know what I mean, jellybean?
Kari: Yeah, homeslice.
Tavis: Well, this adventure was pretty pointless.
Tara: That's okay... back to the bus!!
"Gonna throw a bomb tonite!"
From: sean_dillon_007@yahoo.com
dude...dude.... oh my god thats fuggin funny was that ur dream
or sumpen?
Do you not know the balls? No, no... go to the OBS... indulge, my friend.
Tara: Tavis....yo......GOO!
Tavis: Goo?
Tara: yeah dude, GOO!
Tavis: I dont...wanna
Carlos: huh?
Tara: GOO!
Carlos: Never seen it
Carlos: I'm sorry! GOO!
Tara: sigh
Kari: (crawling out of the dishwasher with dan close behind) They call me
mellow yellow.....they call me mellow yellow..........
Dan: no dude....OUCH! (gets cut by egde of dishwasher) FFFFFF-REAKIN!
Aaron: (holding hands with Scott and frolicking around the Kitchen) dude,
it's ok, you can swear! it's just us!
Dan: oh roight roight! FUCK!
Kari: FUCK!
Aaron: FUCK
Tara: (dressed as a gypsy for some reason) hey Matt. I have the same glasses
as you! (puts on glasses)
Matt: woah, rad! But have you the tattoos??
Tara: (sadly) no....
Tavis: you know, you're a gypsy?
Tara: a-wha?
Tavis: (pointing out) yeah, you're dressed as a gypsy woman. Dance for me.
Tara: (relaizing her gypsyness) DAAA!!!!
Kiley: (appearing out of nowhere) Catch! (throws Tara NAUTICA bright orange
preformance fleece)
Tara: thank god! (puts on fleece and looks at Matt)
Kiley: heeheheheheeehee!!!!!
Tara: (snapping fingers in front of Matt's face) MATT!!! NO STAREGE!!!
Matt: (snapping out of tit-staring phase) a-wha?
Kiley: no ege! (could of smoke and kileys gone)
Kari: woah....
Tara: hi, Carlos (pecks his forehead) I'm a gypsy with fleece
Carlos: (giggling shyly) heehee...cool
Aaron: I have baby teeth
Scott: a-wha?
Aaron: baby-teeth...they're tiny
Scott: o. you have a good size happy trail though
Tara & Kari: (both dressed as gypsies but in bright orange fleece and bowing
to Aaron's happy trail) WE'RE NOT WORTHY!
Aaron: oh stop! dont do that!
Tara & Kari: we worship you!!!
Aaron: no no no...well....i mean.....kiss my feet.
Tara & Kari: *kiss*
heehee.......figure it out people!
* tara *
Tavis: Another reason as to WHY shoes are so DAMN important.
Aaron: Hehehe they're kissing my feet.
Matt: Tara, Tara, dance for me.
Tara: *constipated look* Uhh... no?
Kari: Alanis Morisette pisses me off.
Scott: Wut? Why?
Kari: I dunno. Fugees, man. *gives Aaron a rainbow* (you know, a shoelace
Aaron: HEY! Pick my wedgie, ya bitch.
Tara: FUCK!
Tavis: Now?
Tara: No. Fuck.
Kari: Dan. Can you go to homecoming with me?
Dan: Wait, aren't you going with that bubbly acne guy?
Kari: Well, yeah... but...
Scott: No. Dan can't go with you.
Tara: And why the hell not?
Scott: Because you... it's... illegal.
Dan: Yeah but that's only if they find out.
Scott: Oh. Rite.
Kari: *starts jigging* I'm hyper!
Tara: *sings* I'm so happy! I'm floating on cloud nine!
Kari: OOH! Another thing! I... uhmn... *hyperventilates*
Dan: Breathe, Kari. In. Out.
Kari: Aaron... he... you... Aaron... email... me... communicate... Reel
Big Fish... merchandise... must... make... shoelaces... Care bears...
peanut... butter... converse... make shoe... laces... little... pictures
of tavis.... and... me... aaron... dan... me... 58 percent RBF corrupt...
must... eat... Taco Bell... *passes out*
Aaron: OH NO! She's dead!
Tara: WHAT?!
... The end....
Or is it?!
"No, wait, you're dead!"
"I am?"
"I think so."
"Oh. Okay. Tara can determine my fate."
Tavis: *nudging Tara nervously trying to make her listen to Scott's intro to
Hungry Like the Wolf* dude....
Tara: not now Kari's dead you ass!
Tavis: *fidgety* arg
Aaron: DAAAA! what'll we do now?? i have a shoe wedgie and Kari's dead!!!
Carlos: can dead people give blow jobs?
Tavis: only if they're missing their 2 front teeth
Tara: weak
Aaron: you're all going to hell
Scott: munch munch
Kari: woah Scott!!!! get off me! *dies again*
Tara: you killed her agian!!!
Scott: NO! *pause*
Tara and Scott: YES! *slap hands* SCORE!
Dan: what do we do? my chick is dead!
Matt: SCOTT! light my cigarette!
Scott: *lighting cigarette* what's this for?
Matt: DAN! I'll need some of your artificial jew fuzz. SCOTT! some of yours
Dan & Scott: here
Matt: *packing fuzz into cigarette* Aaron! give me some happy trail! Carlos!
Carlos: pa-tooey
Aaron: *pluck* ouch! here.
Matt: *packing fuzz and spit into cig* ok ready? *drags the cig, cups hands
over mouth, bends down, and shotguns Kari*
Kari: *cough cough* woah dude! that's some good shit!
how do ya like THEM apples?
* tara *
Tara: *contemplating the moment* That stuff is just magical.
Kari: O, dude, my head is spinning here. Dan, help...
Dan: *grabs Kari by the waist* You wanna go smoke the reel thing?
Kari: If you only knew, dude, if you only knew.
Dan: To the bunks?
Kari: Totally. *they disappear*
Aaron: So, what is she, like schizophrenic?
Tara: Kind of.
Matt: What do you mean?
Tara: She sees dead people...
Matt: In her dreams?
Tara: No, when she's awake... WAIT! Wrong movie. Oh. Uhmn. She... she
has a hard time expressing things that make her happy. She gets so worked up
that she begins breathing more often than she talks, and she talks a lot. So
her heart is overwhelemed with oxygen and she goes FFTT!! and then kind of
passes out.
Aaron: Does she get a magical whistle like Kiley?
Tara: No.
Carlos: So my spit and all of their almost-Jew Fuzz must be smoked and
shotgunned by Matt for her to reawaken, rite?
Tara: Yup.
Tavis: Oh. I get it now. So in otherwords, she's just a freak?
Tara: Pretty much, yeah.
Aaron: Hey, take it easy. No one should be called a freakin freak. That's
just not cool, okay?
Tavis: Geez, Aaron, I don't know who pissed in your Cheerios this morning.
Matt: *guilty look* Uhh... it's... not... me... didn't... do.... it...
Kari: *walks in, wiping taco sauce from her chin* Did you tell them Tara?
Tara: Yeah.
Kari: No, did you tell them the REEL reason?
Tara: Oh... no... I figured...
Kari: Well. The reason I pass out when I get talking about famous people
and me is that Kevin Bacon recently spoiled my giddyness by means of
Aaron: *getting up now* THAT BASTARD!
Tara: Yeah, it's quite sad. So now she can't go to the movies and see
flicks like the Sixth Sense because they're too damn similar to his new movie.
Kari: AND I can't function when I talk about famous people because of the
six degrees of Kevin Bacon.
Scott: (yeah, he's here) So these six degrees... everyone's connected to
Kevin Bacon?
Tavis: Yeah. That's fucking scary, man.
Los: For real.
Dan: *coming in the main room, plopping down on a bean bag* Dick cheeze
Bacon's causing trouble again, huh?
Kari: *snuggles into Dan's chest, makes herself a little spot on his shirt*
Yeah. It sucks.
Aaron: This doesn't make me happy. I wish I could do something.
Tara: There's nothing we can do.
Tavis: Well, what did he poison Kari with?
Tara: I dunno.
Kari: If I knew what it was, I wouldn't have ever gotten poisoned in the
first place. *sighs and pulls herself closer to Dan*
Dan: It's okay, baby. We'll get the best doctor in here to fix you.
Kari: As long as it's not Bruce Willis or Robin Williams.
Aaron: Well, okay.
Kari: *falls asleep to Dan's breathing rhythm*
Tara: Things have suddenly gotten serious...
Tavis: What the fuck can we do?
~K-Funk down in SKAtlanta
Still on her Aaron high
Dan: *carrying Kari to her crib in the bunks* maybe we should stop feeding
her bacon.
Aaron: it's a thought
Dan: *coming back* well, we cant just let her go sick all the time.
Tavis: hmm.....what would brian boitano do? Tara? your opinions?
Tara: i'm sad....sing to me.
RBF: *sing groovy kind of love cover by MSH*
Tara: i feel better.
Scott: as was meant to, kid
Carlos: ok so...wut do we do?
Matt: we better think of something. shotguning is so juvenille
Tara: *smirking* you liked it.....
Matt: *biting nuckle* daaa....heehee
Dan: no, i'm serious....what should we do?
Aaron: cant we just get her some type of medication?
Scott: that would be too easy dude
Aaron: roight roight
Tavis: hmm..........*eyes Tara*
Tara: *eyeing back* Kari is sleeping
Tavis: *snaps fngers* drat
Aaron: hey i got an idea!
RBF and Tara: wuts that, Aaron? *exaggerated enthusiasm*
Aaron: the Wizard of Oz! He'll know what to do!
Matt: of course! how do we get there though?
Tara: isnt it first star on the left and straight on till morning?
Matt: noooo....that's neverland
Tara: o
Carlos: dont we frolic down a yellow road or something?
Tara: that cant be it. there's no yellow roads around here
Aaron: there's a pink one...
Scott: well then.........
Dan: Dude, should we just go?
Scott: Yeah, I think this may be the only way.
Matt: Are we gonna be back in time for Powerpuff Girls?
Aaron: There's just no telling, man.
Tara: So, this pink road, ay? *all of the RBF and Tara hop out of the tour
bus and head, well... to the east*
Tavis: This isn't gonna be anything like the movie, is it? Those fucking
munchkins scared me.
Tara: Aww. Poor baby.
Aaron: Hahaha.... *singing* Somewhhhheeereee over da raaaiiinbooowww...
Scott: Way upp high...
Aaron: Something something once in a lullabye...
Tara: STOP IT! That's just SCARY.
Matt: Werd is bomb, kid.
Carlos: How long are we gonna be walking, you guys?
Tavis: I dunno, but these Converse aren't very comfortable.
Aaron: *stops walking* Dude. *points up the pink road*
Tara: Fuck! Is that Cinderella's castle??
Tavis: Fuck? Come on, Tara... I need it noooww... *whines* Pleaassee?
Putting the FUN back into hot bus boys. WHHHEEE!!
"Dude, that was short."
"It's fucking 9:30, give me a break."
Tara: *eyeing Tavis* dude...just not right now
Tavis: this cant be healthy
Aaron: DAAA. where are we going?!!?
Matt: shit
Carlos: *quietly* seattle........
RBF and Tara: *looking at the Los* a-wha?
Carlos: we're going the wrong way....not ....west.....
Dan: what are talking about dude?
Carlos: *busting out into song* HEADIN FOR THE WEST! HEADIN FOR SEAT-TLE!
Tara: OOOooooooOOOO! i get it!
Aaron: a-doh!
Carlos: yeah.....yeah......it's my old bands song that you guys covered!
Scott: of course! the wizard is in Seattle!
Matt: well then, what are we waiting for?
*everyone links arms and skipps down the pink road singing uniform of
Dan: *skipping* this is fun. i didnt think rescuing my chick would br amusing.
*suddenly! rustling in bushes*
Tara: what was that?
Tavis: i'll hold you, Tara....
Tara: dude....
Tavis: sorry
Aaron: what is it?
Scott: I'll check it out....
*Pikachu from Pokemon jumps out of bushes*
Pikachu: DAAAAAAA!
Dan: what the hell is that?!!?
Pikachu: I'm here to guide you along your way! heehee!
Aaron: aw...it's so....cute!
RBF and Tara: AWWWW
Matt: so how can you help us, little yellow cute thingy?
Pikachu: well......i can help you but i ask for something in return....
Aaron: what's that?
Pikachu: *grabbing crotch* a-hem......
Tara: weak, dude. we dont know where you've been
Tavis: well...i mean...he IS cute and fuzzy
Tara: so are you but you're not some crazy japanimation freako animal thingy
Scott: well....um.....i guess if it's to help Kari.....
Pikachu: line up! keep the socks on!
*line is formed in front of Pikachu and the munching commences*
munch munch munch
*munching is done*
Tara: *trying to hack up a hairball* ok so whats this great advice you have
to give us?
Pikachu: you go west and not east
Aaron: AND!?!?!
Peeckachu: and...that's it
Carlos: dude!!!! we just munched your pokeballs and all you have to tell us
is something we already knew?!!?!
Pikachu: *fading* till next time up the road......*dissappears*
RBF and Tara: what the hell?
DAAAAAA! hahahahahahahhaaahahahhahahahaaaa!
* tara *
cinnimin buns are good