1: Behind the Balls
2: It Started With...
3: Wal*Mart...
4: Tata Gets Her Fix
5: Bacon Bastard...
6: Powerpuff's Kick...
7: Immortal Testicles
8: Can I Get Some...?
9: Sometimes it Takes...
10: Sneak a Drink
11: My Gear Fell Asleep
12: Word to Your...
13: Lucky Thirteen!!
15: Ginseng and Shit
Installment Summaries

I am so confused. I love you and miss you. Please, everyone, sign the Tavis Tribute Guestbook here. He needs to know how much we miss him and back him, guys. This has been a problem that's gone on for quite some time... and it's finally come to some sort of resolution, as terrible as it is. Even my happiest RxBandits shirt can't make me happy today...


Hello and welcome to the fresh new face of the Balls Squad. To your left, you can read any of the Balls Squad fiction stories installments at the touch of the button. The new addition to the installments, the installment summaries (which is actually up now), gives the highlights of each installment to remind you what happens when and where with who. Another new area of the site is Band Information, where you are linked to the official Reel Big Fish webpage. To your right, are the links that take you around this site and to other fan-based websites. The contacts area allows you to email any of the Balls Squad writers, the founder of the website, or the people of the Balls Squad. There will be many renovations to come in the honor of the one year anniversary of the Balls Squad email list. I personally would like to thank all of you for sticking with us for so long, and for tolerating our silliness.

Felicity Regan
Founder of the Official Balls Squad mailing list and website

Picture Gallery
Punk Rock Karl
Tribute to Tavis Guestbook
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