Buffyverse Stories
These Stories take place in an Alternate Universe/Alternate Time Line that is analogous to Season 6. Willow has brought Buffy back to life using dark magic, but didn't become addicted to dark magic (yet) and Tara didn't leave her (yet). Giles didn't go back to England and is still Buffy's Watcher (in more than one way). Xander and Anya are living together and engaged, but Anya is not pushing for marriage (right away). Dawn has a secrete life that only Giles and Spike know about (at first). Buffy and Spike are dancing around a relationship (Spike is in love with Buffy and is trying to be good, Buffy feels drawn to Spike but knows he is still evil). Buffy and Willow's feelings for each other come to the surface. Tara has secret feelings of her own. Contacts may be made with characters from the Angelverse.
- The Little Patient - (R-18) A Buffy/Willow and Willow/Tara story where Willow takes care of Buffy's needs and Tara takes care of Willow's needs.
- Cordy - (R-18) A Buffy/Cordy/Fred story where Buffy goes to L.A. for help, Cordy and Fred give her what she needs.
- Xanders Surprise -(R-18/X?) A story where Willow see's something, tells Buffy, Anya and Tara overhear, Anya wants to have a party.
- The Meeting - (X) A Buffy/Willow/Tara and Dawn/Spike story where Willow and Tara try to make Buffy relax and teach her a new skill, Spike feels left out and Dawn tries to take his mind off of it, Spike makes a promise.
- Night Fantasies - (X) A story where Dawn thinks about family and friends, Giles makes a promise.
- Dawns Party - (X) A Dawn/Giles/Spike story where Dawn goes to Giles and plans a party, Dawn goes to Spikes and invites him, Dawn, Giles and Spike party, Giles and Spike get to know each other better.
- The Party - (R-18) A Buffy/Willow/Xander/Anya/Tara story where the girls give Xander the party of his dreams and the promise that the gift is for as long as it makes him happy.
- The Next Day - (X) A Dawn/Steve/Janet, Buffy/Anya/Xander/Willow/Tara, Dawn/Giles, Giles/Spike story about all that happened the day after the party for Xander.
- Another Day - (NC-17) A Scooby Gang story about another day in the life of the Slayer. More about confusion, pain and despair than anything else.
- Of Pain And Tears -(NC-17) Emotional pain and tears, Buffy/Xander/Willow/Tara make love to ease the pain, Spike kills to ease his own.
- Hidden Thoughts / ... - (NC-17) Buffy builds a wall around her feelings and emotions. Her pain affects all of the others. Spike watches over her to protect her from herself.
- ... / Hidden Feelings / ... - (NC-17) Roller Coaster emotions push Buffy to the edge. She crosses a line she has to keep a secrete. Some things are better/worse than physical pain.
- ... / Hidden Wants / ... - (NC-17) Research is boring and frustrating, but it might save your life. Willow takes charge when thing get scary.
- ... / Hidden Needs / ... - (NC-17) The Scoobies go into hiding. Giles returns with information and help. Buffy and Spike pay a visit to Willy.
- ... / Hidden Love - (R-18) Let's get this over and 'kill' someone! Assessing the damages, who's going to pay? Buffy and Spike have sex, but is it love?
- Aftermath - (NC-17) Cleaning up the mess is necessary, but boring. Looking for Spike and not finding him is painful. Finding him is even more painful.
- Dreams - (NC-17) Buffy's dark aura becomes dangerous. When injured it overwhelms the hospital staff, Spike is her only hope. Dreams haunt her while unconscious.
- Nightmares (R-18/X) Dark emanations spread over Sunnydale. [{Nightmare Scenes} Torture, rape, murder, death of thousands, end of the would, sex, sex, sex!!! We will love you 'till the end of time'!!!]
- The Truth (Can Save Your Soul) (NC-17) Buffy heals and returns to normal. Learning what happened almost breaks her again. Spike learns the 'Truth' and saves her soul.
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