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8 Ways to Brighten your Winter

1. Use the brightest, most floressent rugs and bandages to give a tropical feel to your stable.

2. School for the summer. Make up a plan on what you and your pony need to brush up on to be a star at your next show.

3. Wear your sunglasses. Take no notice of everyone laughing at you - you won't be able to see them anyway.

4. Get all your rosettes out and day-dream about the warm summer days when you won them (or brought them).

5. Organise a winter show for you and your mates. All the jumping and gymkhana games will soon get you and your ponies as warm as toast - and you'll have fun too.

6. Have a mucking out frenzy with your pals. Tidy the muck heap- bag up some manure and sell it for your fave horse charity. It will keep you warm and help unfortunate horses.

7. Wear extra clothes so you can complain about how hot it is.

8. Paint a huge sun on the wall of your ponies stable. That will brighten the place up!