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Sam's Pet World
Oman's only pet oriented services provider.

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Copyrights© 1998-1999
Sam's Pet Worl®

Last update on:
April, 1999

Very lovely cat I am. Most beautiful thing about me is I'm all black with white paws that look like shoes or socks.. and my breast is also white.. I'm adorable but I do not like too much cuddling. I would rather spend that time playing else where.. I will come to you when I need cuddling. I have a companion.. she too is like me.. but she's all black.. hehe.. she's old though, so when I need more fun I leave her at home.. but most of the times we are together. We help each other by cleaning each other and we are buddies.. we sleep together when it's cold.. but living in Muscat it's rarely cold.. hehe..

I also live with a dog.. Who ever said we can't live with dogs.. it's dogs who have to learn to live with us.. but if they ever try to act up then we stand..

Here are is a couple of pictures of me when I was at 'Sam's Pet Vacation Home' during the time that my owners went for vacation    (between August 06th and 18th 1998)

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Doing my normal prowling and daily inspection

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Relaxing on the couch after the daily running.

My page will get updated soon so mark it and visit me from time to time to know more of me.