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Sheena's Page

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Sam's Pet World
Oman's only pet oriented services provider.

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Copyrights© 1998-1999
Sam's Pet Worl®
Last update on April, 1999

Attention.. Sheena has been stolen from Sam's Pet Vacation Home, by people pretending to be buyers.. After her disappearance, we no longer leave animals to roam around free unless the doors are locked. Sheena was our own kitten that many people who walked in side our office loved at first sight. She was so energetic and well a kitten to say the least

Did any one ever tell you that black is beautiful?? Look at me.. do you doubt it?? hehehe.. naaawwww

sheena.jpg (19148 bytes) Mmmmmm.. what is that moving there
sheena2.jpg (17813 bytes) ahaaa.. so you wanna play huh??.. get your hands off me and gimme real toy
sheena3.jpg (15172 bytes) aahhhh.. now you are talking.. let me have it..
sheena4.jpg (17438 bytes) Yeah this is my favorite mouse... heheh.. catnip mouse being nipped by me hahah...

I have been ever so free at Sam's Pet Vacation, running around and enjoying my self..until some one decided I was too beautiful and they kidnapped me.. well I am not a kid.. so kidnap will not fit right. I guess I was Catnapped?? or is it kittenapped