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Katie's Page

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Sam's Pet World
Oman's only pet oriented services provider.

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Sam's Pet Worl®
Last update on April, 1999

Tcha-tcho (Yin-Yang) heheh well so many names for mix of 2 colours but my real name is Katie. Simple huh?? hey cat.. here Catie.. here Katie :-))

katie.jpg (8465 bytes) Mmmmmm.. get that camera away from my face before I.. oooohhh.. you did it... just clicked it..
katie2.jpg (12553 bytes) Ok since you are soooo.. persistant... I will pose for you.. how is this pose??
katie3.jpg (13476 bytes) And this one??

You guys missing hell alot of life out there. Take a vacation to Sam's Pet Vacation Home when your owners go away on holiday see what its like.