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Sam's Pet Worl®
Last update on April, 1999

Mishko means frightened little rat.. that's what I looked like when I was rescued by my owners. I'm still recovering from shock of ill treatment before I was rescued, so I do not particularly like smells of dogs and other cats..

mishko.jpg (38026 bytes) Frightened little rat?? Well I'm not even fully stretched in this picture but I am about the biggest Local Omani cat that you have ever seen. Fully stretched I'm about 65cm..
misko03.jpg (24354 bytes) Alert.. yes I am always very alert. Don't no body scare me.. dogs?? who's scared of dogs?? not me.. not at all
mishko04.jpg (19578 bytes) Food?? Oh boy, I love food.. but I prefer dry stuff better. I guess I'm more like Tommy in my attitude of food