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Textures is the basis behind these works. I found that this was a unique technique, you could really play around with this once you get into it. The figure that you see is not anything of a monster but a headless body with somekind of an ancient bird sitting on it. I cant remember why I included the satlelite dish, maybe it was there.
I really got into textures with this piece! It is not easy when you could only use textures to form images and not the other around. Although it may seem like an image of sun beeming its rays over a bridge coming in and going out it was unententional .
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There is nothing harder than having to make your name interesting. No matter how much everyone else loves it you always have that feeling "ah, it is ok." Again, textures were used for the fill in. I then gave the magnefying effect in the center to make it even more interesting.
If there is a piece that would define me as an artist it has to be this one which I am really proud of. This is a combinatoin of textures and real images. If I have to give this technique a name it would have to be "Real- Abstract." Some images make sense, some dont, and some I dont even know how I came up with. There are many details that made up this one, so for real satisfaction it needs be seen in person.
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