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This page has to do more with the creativity behind the designs than the accuracy drawing of an object. This is about postive and negative. By that I mean if you take either side and place it on top of the other you will get a blank piece of paper.
I really like the idea behind this piece. The idea was to merge two cultures into one, and hopefully the outcome would be somewhat unlike its products. Since I was born in Vietnam and now living in the U.S. I used half of a Vietnamese flag and merged it into half of a baseball and bats.
I was not born yet when this event took place, but from what i have heard, it was probably the greatest day not only in the American history but also for mankind as a whole. It says 'July 20th, 1969. What a Leap!' It was the day the world saw a man walked on the moon for the first time ever.
Once again the project was to make my name look interesting. This one is totally different from the other one I did. This was designed using the computer. I like this one for its simpleness and plainness.
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