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Can you immagine this piece without the large shell in the back ground? Well, that is how it was originally until I finally came to realized that it would be too plain with just the four shells in the foreground. I have never done anything with seashell prior to this so i decided to go to the extreme. In fact, the last shell is exactly the same as the first shell in the fore ground, it is just that much larger.
This piece was done using soft color pastels. We all had about five minutes to come up with a figure of the model so it was not easy. I like to take time when I work.
A season in a bottle was the theme behind this piece. The blooming of Tulips signals the coming of spring. I used hard pastels for this one to get the fine lines and because they give off more vivebrant colors.
Take something you take for granted everyday and make it looks important. What I really like about this piece is the shadow and the Van Gogh's like background, both give off a sureal atmoshpere
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