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Well, as you may have known from my personal infomation that my nature talent is that i am an artist. Over the years i have accumulated many work of art, and so instead of having them sitting in a corner i decided to put them into use. Some of them go as far back as high school and some did not come out as well as i would like them to have been. It just goes to show that I may be good, i am not great. After all who is? Hopefully that, in away, will inspire you to become an artist yourself.

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If there is a weakness that I have as an artist it has to be painting. The funny thing is I know why too but I cant help it, . Anyways, this piece was done while I was in high school. I chose to do this because of its wildness and a relaxed feeling that it has. At least that is the perception I got from the picture.
Warmthness was the subject in this painting. The painting takes place in the winter with two bird camping next to each other trying to keep warm. I tried to show the warm feeling by using much red on the first bird, even the tree is much red. Again, the picture that I painted from tells a much better story.
Abstract, it is my second weakness. I thought it was a funny joke when the teacher gave an assignment of doing an abstract painting. So i did my best and this is what i came up with, I have no idea what it means. It must have came from my subconscious mind. If it mean something to you feel free to let me know.
The project for this was to have something reflecting itself four times. The result is something that symbolizes America, however, it was untentional on my part. And i guess that was the whole idea behind from the beginning.
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