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    Well, in life most people only have one family, but i am lucky because in my case, i dont only have one but two

Well, this is my first family and i am glad to introduce them to you. from left to right:My cousin Tuan, uncle Ha, uncle Lam, aunt My, grandfather, and baby cousin,Linda, who is wondering who i am.
Look who is not a baby anymore
with her friend, Dung, from California.
Linda is now in second grade,
who like other kids has lots of energy.
...and here is my second family. This is my cousin's, Hong (Rose), and my first day in America, which was way back in 1987. As you can see we are really tired, after all it has been a long trip from Thailand to America. Here we are greeted by our uncle Lam, Erin, and Jayme.
This is one day in my life
i'll probably remember forever!
The day Erin tries
to make a girl out of me,
Hong tries to poke my eyes out,
and Jayme who did not come to my rescue.
We have taken many trips over the years and this is the most memorable one because of its wild and untamed sceneries. This is taken during our vacation in the Yellow Stones National Park. As you can see, we were close!
Updating 1999
So what are we up to today?

As you can see we have grown and while we may not be as close physically as we were, we still have those memmories. Hong (Rose) is now living in San Jose, California, Erin goes to college in Boston, Massachusett, Jayme and I are both currently attending college here in new york.

Updating 2001 is currently in the works
...and here is the rest of my adopted family.

from left to right: Susan, Cathy, Russell, and Peter

Above are Anthony with his great grandmother.

And this is my adopted parent, Priscilla.
Sadly, she passed away this summer on July 24, 2001.
She will be missed GREATLY by everyone!