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Around The

Hello friends, this page is dedicated to those who are brave enough to venture to interesting places.

Since this is a brand new home page, I'll start by presenting you with my most recent trip. I call it "Driving To California." Well, last March, 1998 a friend (Quyen) was moving to California and she invited me to tack along. We thought it would be more fun if we were to drive to California and that is exactly what we did. We knew the trip would take days and that along the way there would be unbelievable sites to see and interesting people to meet. So instead of going straight across, we took more of a U shape trip to avoid any late winter storms in northern part. Ironicly, the first setback we encountered was a big snow storm in PA. Cars and trucks crawed along like turtles on the highway.
Then just as we got to Tenn. after a long day of driving our second setback occured! We got into a minor car accident, which by the way was not our fault. What we thought would take a day to fix led to a week. Day in day out, we slept in hotel and ate out every meal. It all turned out good because it was the only time we had to get to know people. The first thing we realized was the accent which to me suggested that they were more relaxed and laid back. It showed because everyone we met were very nice and outgoing towards us.

When we were ready to roll again, it was already almost two weeks. We were not half way there yet and already it messed up my scheduled flight back to New York. There was really no time to stop for the perpose of sight seeing, but the one sight we did stop for was great. And so most of the scenery photograhps were taken from inside the car. We noticed that around the midwest the land was wide opened, bared, and mostly dried. At times we would drove for hours without seeing a house much less a town. I personally enjoyed how each sunset always made itself known by displaying spectacular colors and images.

The site that we stopped for was The Meteor Crator. As you can see it is enomous; the site had to be taken in three parts in oder to capture the whole site. It is said to be 70 stories high. However, the day we were there the wind got really strong, so we were not able to venture beyond than where we were.
All in all, this was a great trip! I must admit it was alittle sad when we finally reached Cali. I had a great time in San Jose (but i'll save that for another time). I really can not wait for another chance to do it again.