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Can CH Canton Panda Blu At Chikoo
Owner:  Joanne Matasje,  
Chikoo Chow Chows

Sire:  CH Janvan Canton Blu-Manchu
Dam:  Canton Titania

Canton Clairese
Owners:  Bill & Lisa Mitchell
Celebrity Chow Chows
Sire:  Int CH Tangla's Canton Elvis
Dam:  Cherub Canton Frances

Canton Master Of Ceremonies
Puppy Picture
Owners:  Bill & Lisa Mitchell
Celebrity Chow Chows
Sire:  Canton Marcus of Ottabee
Dam:  Canton Blue Heather

Canton Kandi Kisses
Owner:  Michelle Rowlette
Sire:  Canton Cambridge
Dam:  Canton Misty Mauve

Canton Nui K'ou
"Nu K'ou"
Owner:  Sherry Hoppe
Sire:  CH Canton Cordon Blu
Dam:  Silverstone's Pagan

Canton Sha I'an
"Sha I'an"
Owner:  Sherry Hoppe
Sire:  Canton Cambridge
Dam:  Jung's Miss Congeniality

Canton Blue Belle
Owner:  Sherry Hoppe
Sire:  CH Robinhill Capt. Preppie
Dam:  Canton Rhapsody In Blue




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