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            Lolly & Charlie           

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I'm Lolly Harris and I was raised with blue Persian cats and never liked "dirty dogs."  In 1960, a Chow Chow, Mi Ki of Mt. Air, was forced on me.

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I soon learned she was not like any dog I had ever met before.  She was raised by a cat, Sugar, who showed her how to use the liter box and also how to "cover it up".

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She also helped Sugar raise her kittens.

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When my children came along, she made it plain that they were hers and even told me when I needed to change their diapers. 

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Miki had a litter in 1964 sired by CH Marhal's Chi Chi Jo

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She had another litter in 1965 sired by CH Starcrest
Richard The Lion.  This is Sudda Ling out of that litter.

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In 1976 I got Canton's Suki who was also raised by a cat, Abner, who helped her care for her pups. 

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In 1978, when the last of my children left home, I started showing and formed Canton Chow Chows.

In 1992 Charlie joined us and he is Chief Kennel Builder and Leader of the Pack.

I have a special interest in the blue Chow Chow and though selective breeding have breed some blues that I am very proud of.  Temperament is a top priority.  My girls are expected to and do get along with each other and all of them run together. 

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These puppies are nursing on Becky while Cammy washes them.

We live in Milwaukie, Oregon but I air ship puppies all over.  All of my puppies are sold with a replacement contract.
Click to view my:  Puppy Contract
                             Stud Service Contract

I hope you enjoy visiting with my Chowdren of the past and present.  Please Sign my GuestBook and Email or Telephone (503-654-3921) me if you have any questions or comments. 


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