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General Rules

  1. Must be Family Friendly with no Profanity   or Pornography.
  2. No Hate or Racist  sites.
  3. No under construction signs or half finished pages.
  4. Easy to navigate.
  5. No more than 3 broken links or graphics.
  6. Must have Content and not be just links.
  7. Written in English or have a translation service.
  8. My  Dogs and I must like it.
  9. Please allow me 1 week to review your site.
  10. All applicants will be notified by email. 
  11. All winners will be listed with a link on my Winners Page.
  12. Those not winning will be told the reasons why and may submit their site again in 1 month.

  1. This Award is for a Pet Rainbow Bridge or Memorial site or page. 
  2. Does not have to be a dog site.

  1. This Award is for a Great Pet Site

  2. Does not have to be a Dog Site.

  3. Must not promote or link to any animal abuse site.

  4. Must not be a breed for profit (Puppy Mill Type) site.

To Apply

Email me with your 

Site Title
Email Address
Award Applied For
Short Description of Your Site
Put  Award for the Subject


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