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Harmon Family Web Sites

Websites referencing Johann Michael Hermann & Family:

The Haynes Family of Virginia
(Ancestors of Alphonso Hughland Smith, information found on Johann Michael Hermann in Generation #9, line No. # 328....descendancy of son Heinrich Adam Hermann & Louisa Katrina Mathias)

Campbell and Buchanan County Virginia Families
(Ancestors of Arville Mullins, Generation #9, line #392; Alicia Evans of Richmond, VA. Has information on Johann Michael Hermann's descendants through son Heinrich Adam Hermann & Louisa Katrina Mathias.)

Patrick Anderson's Geneology

Ancestors of Kenneth & Carla (Stephens) Lemmon

Shari's Genealogy World Theme Park

The Harman Family  added 04-10-01

Coate Dudick "Ancestrees"
(Owned by Linda Coate Duddck   added 04-10-01

Laura's Genealogy
(The Harman Family can be found on this site. Contact Laura   added 04-10-01


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