The Idea Batting Order The forming of a batting order is not as simple as it seems. The coach must arrange their order according to the players they have available.
coach should try to balance the line-up so that the attack is as
strong as possible from the lead-off man through to the ninth hitter.
Other considerations: Try to mix-up right and left-handed hitters. This keeps the pitcher from getting into a rhythm - throwing to the same side of the plate to several hitters in a row. Mix your speed players in between your slow players. This will keep you from ending up with all slow runners on the bases at one time. (Just don't stick your slowest player in the 8 slot before your two fastest 'lead-off' hitters. In fact, try to follow your slowest baserunner with a good contact hitter to give him a better chance of advancing.) Place a left-handed hitter behind a base stealer. This blocks the catcher's vision of the runner and creates a hole when the first baseman holds the runners on.
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