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Panipat Environment Project

This is the first Project INSEED has chosen to undertake. Panipat, a city with glorious history of medieval period and currently, Centre of Handloom industry, is located 90 Km on North of Delhi in the State of Haryana in India [Click to know more about Panipat]. We have carefully selected a community area called Shiv Nagar wherein our collaborative charity, Manav Kalyan Sewa Samiti has operational base.

The aim of Phase-1 of the project entitled the 'Panipat Parasite Project', is to reduce the incidence of soil-borne parasitic diseases in target group consisting of children up to the age of 11 years by 60% over 3 years. The veterinary students on the other hand will look for problem of helminth infections in water buffalo calves and evolve a long-term project on study of biodiversity and resistance in this economically important species.

The Project has short, middle and long-term objectives. In long-term, we wish to work with the community to develop Panipat as INSEED city. Our planned model has already brought very tangible results. The State government of Haryana in India has responded in a very positive fashion (Detail of activities which are under consideration with the help of the government can be seen at "HARYANA PROGRESS INITIATIVE web site") to a joint initiative of INSEED and our sister NGOs working in Panipat. Number of UN agencies like UNDP and WHO have already expressed their commitment to support Panipat Healthy City Initiative. This is an example how the students can create a support-network of the best brains in the world. Our approach is a working model of strengthening local initiatives by contribution of the students scattered all around the globe. A global workshop is scheduled later in 1999 which will provide the direct opportunity to the students to meet the luminaries and leaders from various international and national organisations like UNDP, WHO and many NGOs.

The project will be carried out mostly by medical, veterinary, sociology, business, public health and various other facutly students from Liverpool, US and their counterparts from the State of Haryana in India. Selection of the project volunteers has been completed. There are however vacancies in our programme of 2 months duration from June to July, 1999. In addition to a very hectic technical and community work programme, a one-week trekking in Dharamshala in Himalaya will be arranged for a dual purpose of ecological study in far-flung areas as well as catering to spirit of adventure of the participating volunteers.

From the very begining, we wish to welcome inputs from students representing different disciplines. The community as well as the students would benefit by such synergism. [Click to know how voluntary work could benefit your career]. The students from USA are planning to undertake Agri-Biotech micro-business training to the school children of the community in India.

To contact INSEED you can e-mail us
or contact Jagveer Rawat International Co-ordinator. If in USA: contact National Co-ordinator Ram Pal Singh.

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