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MARCH 1999.

After the inception of concept of INSEED on 5 October, 1998, it has come a long way and created its international standing as a students, teachers and community's interactive and alliance making interface.

The project on healthy city and campaign on organic farming are some of its important milestones.
INSEED presented its case in Reaseach Committee of Liverpool Vet School and got its point of contributing to reseach listed in the proceeding of the committee. Subsequently, lot of members of faculty and Dean of the faculty have been very supportive of INSEED activities.

INSEED Newsletter was launched in November, 1999 with good wishes of Director of Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Prof Moleneux.

INSEED participated and presented its project posters at First International Conference on Health Impact Assessment in November, 1999 in Liverpool.

Presented its position on role of students on global environmental issue to UK Minister of Public Health, Ms Tessa Jowels and Environment Minister, Michael Micher.
Participated in Alternative Career Fair at Liverpool University in 1998.

A public lecture by the founder of INSEED, Dr Jagveer Rawat was organised which attracted students for the first project of INSEED.

7 Jan 1999, INSEED got support for its efforts in India from the Department of Environment of Govt of Haryana.
Selection for first delegation of students going to India in July, 1999 completed (March, 1999).

INSEED gets moral support from Prof Len Duhl, Chairman, International Healthy City Foundation and Mr Anwar Fazal, Regional Director of UNDP in Kualalumpur.
INSEED launched Strengthen Organic Farming Campaign ( (More information on campaign)

On auspicious day of Eid on 27 March, 1999; Mr Fahad A. Al-Fahad appointed as Regional Coordinator for Arabian Countries for INSEED activities.

28 March, 1999: Dr Kazuhiro Misumi of Kagoshima University, Japan joins as National Coordinator for Japan. His email address is ((Click for more information about the project)

29 March, 1999: Dr Jagveer Rawat leaves to consolidate first project of INSEED ((Click for more information about the project)

Activity on establishing a branch of INSEED in Belgium are underway.

To contact INSEED you can e-mail us
or contact Jagveer Rawat International Co-ordinator.

Mr Fahad A. Al-hizab Regional Co-ordinator for Arabian Countries.

If in USA: contact National Co-ordinator Ram Pal Singh.

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This web page was designed by Dan Inch. This web page is maintained by Jagveer Rawat.