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Blackhawk Band Boosters By-Laws(This page was updated on January 20, 2002
BLACKHAWK BAND BOOSTERS BY-LAWS (REVISED, AUGUST, 2001) ARTICLE I: NAME ARTICLE II: OBJECTIVE ARTICLE III: DUES AND MEMBERSHIP b. Membership will entitle you to hold office, vote, and serve as a committee chairperson. c. Dues must be paid by members by October 1st. Members who pay their dues after that date must wait 90 days before they can exercise their voting privilege or be elected to office. Section III b. The Executive Board will convene prior to the monthly Band Booster meeting. c. The fiscal year of the organization shall be July 1st to June 30. Section IV ARTICLE IV: Officers and Election Section II b. Election of officers shall be done by secret ballot unless the office is unopposed. Installation of officers shall take place at the May meeting. Section III b. Other standing committees may be appointed by the officers as may be required by the organization to promote the objects and interests of the Organization. ARTICLE V: Official's Duties Section II Section III Section IV Section V Section VI Section VII a. The Executive Board can approve an amount not to exceed two hundred ($200) dollars for any unforeseen expense which benefits the band that may arise between meetings. b. During June, July, August, and December, the Executive Board can approve an amount up to $500 without membership approval. ARTICLE VI: Standing Committees The Standing Committees are described below: 2. The Publicity Committee will publicize the meetings and special activities scheduled by the Organization. 3. The Membership Committee will be responsible for keeping accurate records of membership and collection of dues to be turned over to the Treasurer. The chairperson of the membershiop committee must supply a complete and accurate list of the names and phone numbers of the paying members of the Organization to all officers and committee chairpersons at the September board meeting. 4. The Telephone chairperson will organize volunteers to make calls for any occasion where all band members need to be notified of a change in arrival time from a competition, cancellation of a band event, etc. 5. The Half-time Refreshments Committee shall procure and supply refreshments for football games and special events. 6. The Banquet Committee shall be in charge of organizing the annual Band Banquet. 7. The Market Day Committee shall be in charge of organizing and coordinating the Market Day fundraiser. 8. The Festival/Competition Committee will organize and coordinate the festivals and competitions that the Band Boosters sponsor. The Craft Show chaiperson shall be responsible for the procuring of vendors, organizing the set-up and tear-down of the show, and making sure the event runs smoothly. The Band Stand/Kitchen chaiperson shall organize the volunteers needed to run the stand at all home games, the kichen at all home events, and purchasing such sup[plies as need for these. The Spirit Committee will promote the band through spirit items sales, poster, and banners. The Nut Sale chairperson shall be responsible for organizing all aspects of the nut sales including the collections of orders, ordering products, distribution and volunteers. Section II The Chairperson of each committee shall present a plan of work to the Executive Board for approval. No committee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the Executive Board. The chairperson is to provide an approved and completed report to the Executive Committee upon completion of their term, a copy of which will be given to the next years' chairperson for that committee. The committee chairperson shall submit a profit/loss and/or report at the completion of each project. ARTICLE VII: Rules of Order In the absence of specific provisions in these by-laws, proceedings shall be according to Robert's Rule of Order. Section II This Organization does not intend to interfere with student placement, disciplinary action, musical training, dates of engagements, or decisions of the directors or school administration. These by-laws do not apply where they may now or ever conflict with the educational, ethical, and financial policies of the Blackhawk School District. Section III These by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the Organization by a majority vote of members present, providing the notice of the proposed change has been given at the previous meeting. ARTICLE VIII: RULES GOVERNING COLLECTION OF MONIES AND FUND RAISING Section I a. This Organization has the right and responsibility to collect all monies from an outstanding debt or any fund raising project within a fourteen (14) day period. Upon non-payment, the Organization will send a certified letter of notification of monies due to the member, band member's parents, or legal guardian. Upon receipt of notification the person or persons so notified will have fourteen (14) days to remit all monies due to the Organization. After fourteen days, a second certified letter will be sent notifying them of the Band Booster's intent to take the case to the local magistrate for further action. b. A minimum of two fund raising projects per year shall be held which shall allocate 20% profit to the Band Boosters and 80% to the individual student accounts in accordance with their individual sales efforts. In major trip years, additional fund raisers may be conducted using this formula at the discretion of the membership. Special fund raising projects may be held wherein 100% of the profit shall go to the Band Boosters or some other formula other than that stated above. Such projects shall be approved at a regularly stated meeting by a simple majority of voting members. Section II A Reserve fund will be established. A minimum of 2% of the net profit from each fundraiser will be placed into the reserve fund. The percentage may be increased at the discretion of the Executive Board. Monies which are placed in the reserve fund cannot be used unless voted and agreed upon by a majority of the
members present at the meeting. STANDING RULES STANDING RULES - The execturive Board shall present a projected budget at the September meeting. - All receipts must be submitted to the treasuerer for payment within the fiscal year the expenses are incurred. "Receipts" are to be original cash register receipts or store invoices. No hand written receipts will be accepted. - The treasurer has the right to refuse any bills that cause a line item to go over budget until that bill is presented to the organization for approval. - All checks and money orders must be made out to the Blackhawk Band Boosters. IF PAYMENT IS MADE IN CASH, THE BAND BOOSTERS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DISCREPANCY OR IF THE CASH IS LOST. - The Chairperson of each fundraiser shall collect their own monies and supply the Treasurer with a thorough accounting of the funds-student names/vendors and amounts collected from each. This includes, but is not limited to, Spirit committee, Fall Festival ads, Craft show vendor fees, Raffle, and Nut Sale. All other monies are to be deposited into the green box for collection and recorded by the Treasurer and Financial Secretary. - If the funds in the student accounts are to be used to meet expenses, All band students and All Band Booster members are to notified, beforehand of an upcoming vote on this issue. - All monies that were earned but not used by students leaving the band or graduating will automatically be designated to a sibling or designated to another student in the band (when the request is submitted in writing), or revert into the Band Booster General Fund AUTHORITY OF THE BAND DIRECTOR - The Band Director shall appoint and organize the Chaperones to benefit and promote the safety of the Band Students in accordance with the policies of the Blackhawk School District. - The Band Director shall appoint the Trailer/Equipment manager and will provide a clear understanding of how equipment is to be handled. It is the responsiblility of the Band Director to verify that the person driving the school vehicle is properly insured. - The Band Director and Guard/Kitten director shall be honorary members of the Band Boosters without voting priviledges. Return to Band Booster Page. |