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Table of Malcontents!

Here's is the main page of my Feng Shui creations.

My favorite thing to do with Feng is to do my own critical juncture shifts

The first items will be from my Neon Lotus 2060 setting.

The Next set will be for my Raise The Black Dragon 1979 setting

When I get around to coding it, I will be putting up my first Feng Shui adventure I wrote, The Gambler's Legacy.

Neon Lotus 2060

overview of Neon lotus

Buro Grunts

Defender XLS Model 7

Scavenger Trash

More to come. Including a fight location - The Buro Bunker!

Raise The Black Dragon

Coming Soon - The Lodge vs Deep Ones in San Francisco 1979. Cop Show Cthulhu Kung Fu!

Back to Grey Main


created on March 21 2001