My Collection of Redneck Jokes

A Letter From Mom 4-17-00
Arkansas State Residency Application 4-17-00
Lottery Winner 4-18-00
Obituary 4-18-00
Medical Terms 4-18-00
Love Poem 4-19-00
Sex Test 4-19-00
You Might be a Redneck if... 4-19-00
A Radneck Might Own a Computer If... 5-8-00
You Know You Are a Redneck Jedi If... 6-2-00
Top Ten Signs You Are In A Redneck Church 6-2-00
Bubba and Earl 6-16-00
Hickbonics 6-16-00
11 Signs You Are at a Redneck Wedding 6-16-00

My Collection of Redneck Jokes