
This is where you can find out where our material came from. If you don't see it here, we made it up ourselves. Remember, under the new Honor Code, academic dishonesty (plagiarism) will cause you to be met with scorn and ridicule from your classmates.

The Students For sending us their pictures.
Dragonball Z Though the EMSP charter strictly forbids anyone on campus from even thinking about anime or Japanimation (you will be receiving a warning from the Dean just for reading this paragraph), the only picture of himself that Shaun Musco would send was an anime one, which was tolerable because wwe made fun of it.
? For the "blinkingbarrier.gif"
The Brunching Shuttlecocks For the Suicide Club Logo.

Eemeet Meeker's School of Paving

All material © 1999-2000 by Eemeet Meeker Online Enterprises, except stuff we stole from other people as indicated in the credits.