Season 6

Terms of Endearment Rain King S.R.819 Tithonus Two Fathers

One Son Agua Mala Monday Arcadia Alpha Trevor Milagro

The Unnatural Three of a Kind Field Trip Biogenesis

6x06 Terms of Endearment- A woman's baby is stolen by what looks like a demon. Episode Name Meaning: I think it refers to Wayne Weinsider's want of a normal child. 'Endearmeant' means kindness or love. 'Terms' can be like 'The terms of the contract state. . .' ,or 'ways' or a similar word could replace 'terms' so that 'Terms of Endermant would mean 'Ways of Love.' Wayne Weinsider's ways of love were different in that he wanted a normal child so badly to love that he would lie and hurt others that he was supposed to love to get what he wanted. Aired: 1/3/99

6x07 Rain King- Can a man control the weather? Episode Name Meaning: Daryl Mootz refered to himself as the 'rain king,' because people believed that he could bring the rain. Aired: 1/10/99

6x10 S.R.819- Skinner is affected with a deadly disease. Episode Name Meaning: Senate Resolution 819 was the name of the bill that would export the nanotechnology that infected Skinner. Aired: 1/17/99

6x09 Tithonus- Scully is assigned to work with a different partner on a case involving a man that knows when someone is about to die. Episode Name Meaning: In Greek Mythology, Tithonus was a mortal who fell in love with an immortal woman. He asked Zeus to make him immortal, too, but Tithonus forgot to mention to Zeus that he wanted to stay youthful forever, so he continued to age, just like Fellig(well, kinda) Aired: 1/24/99

6x11 Two Fathers- The conspiracy is finally revealed in the full disclosure. (1st part) Episode Name Meaning: Refers to Bill Mulder and CSM, two fathers who started the project. It is also referring to the fact the CSM is Mulder's biological father, so that, in a way, Mulder has two fathers. Aired: 2/7/99

6x12 One Son- (2nd part) Episode Name Meaning: Refers to Mulder; he is the one son left after Spender is shot.(Well, until the ninth season, anyway :)) Aired: 2/14/99

6x14 Agua Mala- A deadly squid is washed to shore during a hurricane. Episode Name Meaning: Spanish for 'Bad Water.' Fitting for deadly-squid infested water. Aired: 2/21/99

6x15 Monday- The day keeps repeating and only one woman, Pam, knows it. Episode Name Meaning: Monday was the day that kept repeating. Aired: 2/28/99

6x13 Arcadia- Mulder and Scully pose as a married couple buying a new home in an area where if your house isn't the same you die. Episode Name Meaning: Refers to a peaceful, secluded haven. Yeah, that's exactly what The Falls was. . . Aired: 3/7/99

6x16 Alpha- A killer shape-shifting dog is brought to America. Episode Name Meaning: In a pack of wolves, there is an alpha male and an alpha female, the leaders of the pack. Aired: 3/28/99

6x17 Trevor- A tornado gives a prisoner the ability to walk through walls. Episode Name Meaning: Trevor Andrew is the name of Pinker Rawls's son, whom he searches for. Aired: 4/11/99

6x18 Milagro- Mulder's neighbor is a writer whose characters come to life. Episode Name Meaning: Milagro is Spanish for 'Miracle.' A milagro is also a good luck token or sometimes used for prayer in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries. Aired: 4/18/99

6x20 The Unnatural- America's favorite pasttime with a twist-an alien playing baseball twist! Episode Name Meaning: Play on of the title of the classic baseball film, 'The Natural.' Aired: 4/25/99

6x19 Three of a Kind- Suzanne Modeski (Unusual Suspects)returns and this time mind control is being used. Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the LoneGunMen, as well as a hand in poker. Suiting since that's what Byers is playing in the beginning. Aired: 5/2/99

6x21 Field Trip- Mulder and Scully take a little trip through some mushrooms and have some interesting illisions. Episode Name Meaning: Let's see, Mulder and Scully go to a FIELD and they have a little TRIP with some LSD mushrooms. Aired: 5/9/99

6x22 Biogenesis- A rubbing of an artifact is found and Mulder starts to read minds.(1st part) Episode Name Meaning: Refers to devolpment of life from pre-existing life, a theory discussed in the episode. Aired: 5/16/99

Queenie's X-Files