Season 6

6x01 The Beginning

Season 6 started where, not only the 5th season finale left off, but also where the first movie left off. After Mulder's and Scully's office burns down in The End, we see that the X-Files has been shut down altogether, in the first movie. At the end of the movie, the Cigarrette-Smoking Man(CSM) receives a telegraph saying that the X-Files were being reopened. In The Beginning, we find out that the X-Files were reopened only to be given to Jeffrey Spender, first seen in Patient X and Diana Fowley, first seen in The End. Even though he has been reassigned to not only a new office but to a new Asst. Director, Kersh, who is not as willing to help him as much as Skinner, Mulder still investigates a strange murder blamed on Native Americans. Actually, the man had been affected by the virus seen in the movie was killed when the alien was 'born' or gestated. Scully, on the other hand, still is skeptical as always, though now she believes that the virus exists. But, she still doesn't think it's exterestial. While investigating the murder Mulder asks Scully angerly why she won't believe. She reminds him what he said in the movie, that she had kept him honest, and for her to change now wouldn't be right. At the end, Scully gives Mulder the scientific proof that he had wanted earlier in the episode but she hadn't had it. She reminds him, once again, she is always on his side. Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the show's move to Los Angeles. Aired: 11/8/98

6x02 Drive

This starts out as a news broadcast about a car chase of a man and woman. When the car is stopped, the man screams the woman's name. She is seen pounding her head on the door and then there is an explosion. Mulder and Scully had been assigned to check out if a farmer had legally bought fertilizer. While there, Mulder hears about the incident of the car chase. He tells Scully that he just wants to check it out. He interviews the man and learns that the woman had been his wife. Mulder is taken hostage by the man, whose name is Patrick Crump and he learns that he has to keep driving west at a certain speed to keep Crump from dying. Scully learns that it was government involment that caused the disease. She finds that it is caused by certain sound waves by where the Crumps live. While having one of his headaches, the man throws Mulder's phone out the window. When they go to a gas station, they save time by switching cars. In the car they were in, Mulder leaves a message for Scully. She understands the message and has a police officer on a moter cycle give Mulder a phone without stopping their cars. She tells Mulder how she can save Crump's life. Mulder hangs up and explains that his partner will meet them at the end of the road and will use a needle to relieve pressure in his head. However, Crump dies before they make it there. Episode Name Meaning: To keep Patrick Crump alive, Mulder must keep driving west at a certain speed. 'Drive' was a word used by Crump; said(with a gun to Mulder's head, by the way) to make Mulder, well, drive. Aired: 11/15/98

6x03 Triangle

Mulder sets out to the Bermuda Triangle to find the Queen Anne, a ship that disappeared in 1939. He boards the ship only to find that all the passengers are from the year that the ship disappeared. He sees many people that look like people he knows, like Scully, Skinner, Spender, and CSM. The crew thinks he's a spy and Mulder takes Spender's German uniform to get away. He meets the Scully-look-alike in the ballroom and tries to tell her that he isn't a Nazi. He is locked in with the crew in steerage. Meanwhile in present day, The LoneGunMen come to tell Scully about Mulder's disappearence. She goes first to Skinner hoping to get the information she needs. Skinner refuses, however, because he's not supposed to have any contact with either Scully or Mulder. Scully then goes to Kersh and finds CSM sitting in his office. In a last resort, Scully goes to Spender and tells him he has to do it or else. After Spender leaves, the phone rings. Scully answers and CSM mistakes her for Fowley. He tells her what Scully had told Kersh earlier in his office. She hangs up and goes to leave, when Kersh's assitant confronts her. Scully says she was waiting for Spender. The woman tells her that Spender went to Kersh. Scully runs to the elevator and answers her phone thinking it's Mulder. She finds out it's Skinner who got her the info, anyway. Mulder, meanwhile, had been brought up to the ballroom to identify the scientist called, Thor's Hammer, after a spy in the steerage overheard Mulder telling a man about what happens during World War II and about Thor's Hammer. After two passengers are killed because Mulder won't tell them, 1939Scully tells them to stop because Mulder has no answers. When the scientist confesses who he is, they are about to kill the 1939Scully and Mulder when the crew down below, where Mulder was, somehow get out and start fighting. Mulder and 1939Scully get out and start running. They are almost caught but 1939Skinner shoots the German and tells them to run. They reach the deck and Mulder tells 1939Scully that she has to turn the ship around. She asks him what would happen if she doesn't and he says, "then in all likelyhood, I won't exist." He looks at her for a moment and says, "And neither will you. So, in case we never meet again-" He kisses her for a long moment and, when they pull away, she punches him. He simply says, "I was expecting the left." And jumps overboard. Mulder wakes up in a hospital with Scully leaning over him. She tells him he did something very stupid. When he tries to tell her, and the LoneGunMen and Skinner, who are also there, what happened, she tells him he's delirious. After the others leave, Mulder tells Scully that he never would have seen her again but he believed her. He tells Scully, with very pretty music playing in the background, that he loves her. Scully just says, "Oh brother." and walks out. Mulder looks upset and then smiles as he rubs the place where 1939Scully had hit him. Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the Bermuda Triangle where Mulder traveled. Aired: 11/22/98

Queenie's X-Files