Jeffrey Spender

Jeffrey Frank Spender was the son of the Cigarette-Smoking Man and Cassandra Spender. He first entered the X-Files world in the episode arc Patient X/The Red and the Black.

In Patient X, Spender approaches Dana Scully, asking that Mulder not talk to his mother, who claimed to be an alien abductee. Spender and Mulder get off to a rocky start because of this. The relationship between them worsens by the 6th season when Spender and Diana Fowley are assigned to The X-Files instead of Mulder and Scully.

In Two Fathers/One Son, Spender's mother returns and he learns that his own father has been ordering tests on her. In his attempt to help her, he learns that others have been tested on, like Marita Covarribus, whom Spender tries to help escape from the same facility his mother is at. When his mother along with the Syndicate and their family members are killed, Spender realizes that Mulder was right all along and should be put back on The X-files, which is what he tells Kersh.

The CSM is upset that his son chose to follow Mulder instead of him. Telling his son that he wished that he had a son to follow him like Bill Mulder did, the CSM shoots Spender.

It wasn't until the 9th season's William, nearly 3 years later, that Spender resurfaced. Severely disfigured he breaks into The X-Files office to steal files. Doggett and Reyes think that he is Mulder, but Scully is not so sure, even after a DNA test says that it is most likely Mulder. When she searches the DNA further, she realizes that it is so close because Mulder is the biological son of the CSM, making Spender and Mulder half-brothers. Spender injects Scully's son, William, with an iron substance to make him normal. Spender tells her he does this because the CSM wants William to have his unique abilities, and that Spender made William normal to get back at his father, who is responsible for disfiguring Spender.

In The Truth, Spender testifies on Mulder's behalf. After the trial, we can suppose that he goes back into hiding, since we don't see him after that.



Queenie's X-Files