Season 1

Pilot Deep Throat Squeeze Conduit The Jersey Devil Shadows Ghost in the Machine Ice

Space Fallen Angel Eve Fire Beyond the Sea GenderBender Lazarus Young at Heart E.B.E.

Miracle Man Shapes Darkness Falls Tooms Born Again Roland The Erlenmeyer Flask

1x79 Pilot- Mulder and Scully meet Episode Name Meaning: The pilot episode. Aired: 9/10/93

1x01 Deep Throat- Mulder uncovers a town with a UFO Episode Name Meaning: The name of Mulder's source, as well as the name of the Watergate informant. Aired: 9/17/93

1x02 Squeeze- A man can squeeze himself into the smallest places to kill people. Episode Name Meaning: Eugene Victor Toom's ability; to squeeze through small spaces Aired: 9/24/93

1x03 Conduit- A little boy decoded top secret information that may have to do with aliens. Episode Name Meaning: A conduit is a link between two things or people. Mulder believed that Kevin was a conduit between people and aliens. Aired: 10/1/93

1x04 The Jersey Devil- Something is killing people. Is it human? Episode Name Meaning: The monster; The Jersey Devil is said to live in New Jersey and is in many stories. Aired: 10/8/93

1x05 Shadows- A woman's boss has died. Is his ghost killing people who harm her? Episode Name Meaning: The way Lauren's boss, Howard Grave's, spirit attacked; from the shadows. Aired: 10/22/93

1x06 Ghost in the Machine- A machine with a mind of its own begins to kill people. Episode Name Meaning: Reference to the artifical intelligence that controlled the machine of the company EURISKO. Aired: 10/29/93

1x07 Ice- Something lurks beneath the ice that is making people become dangerously angry. Episode Name Meaning: The episode took place in the artic; where the parasites were found Aired: 11/5/93

1x08 Space- An astronaut sees something while in space and it follows him home. Episode Name Meaning: Where the creature that haunted Colonel Belt was from; many scenes dealt with outer space. Aired: 11/12/93

1x09 Fallen Angel- Max Fenig, an alien abductee, is introduced. Mulder uncovers an UFO coverup. Episode Name Meaning: The government codename for the downed UFO Aired: 11/19/93

1x10 Eve- Two identical little girls' fathers are killed at the same time although they live on different sides of the country. Episode Name Meaning: The name of the girls of the Litchfield Experiment; the boys were Adams Aired: 12/10/93

1x11 Fire- Phoebe Green, Mulder's ex, asks Mulder to help with a case where a man can control fire. Episode Name Meaning: What Mulder was afraid of; what Cecil L'Ively could control with his mind Aired: 12/17/93

1x12 Beyond the Sea- Scully's father dies and she wants to believe Luther Boggs, a murder, who claims to be able to talk to dead people. Episode Name Meaning: The song that played at Scully's father's funeral Aired: 1/7/94

1x13 GenderBender- An Amish type people, the Kindred, are able to change there gender. Episode Name Meaning: The ability of the Kindred to change genders Aired: 1/21/94

1x14 Lazarus- Scully's old boyfriend, Jack, is posessed by the spirit of the man who shot him. Episode Name Meaning: In the Bible, Jesus resurrected Lazarus from the dead. In the episode, Warren Dupre dies but is resurrected in the body of Jack Willis. Aired: 2/4/94

1x15 Young at Heart- Have scientists found the way to slow ageing? Watch and see. Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the experiments done by John Barnett to try to stop aging, to stay forever young. Aired: 2/11/94

1x16 E.B.E.- Scully meets The LoneGunMen. Episode Name Meaning: Extraterrestrial Biological Entity Aired: 2/18/94

1x17 Miracle Man- Can a man really heal people? Or is he killing them? Episode Name Meaning: Samuel was able to perform miracles by healing people, therefore he was a 'miracle man.' Aired: 3/18/94

1x18 Shapes- What happens when people turn into werewolves? Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the shapes that a person can take when a werewolf; shapeshifter. Aired: 4/1/94

1x19 Darkness Falls- Mulder and Scully investigate in the woods to find some killer bugs. Episode Name Meaning: The deadly bugs came out when darkness fell; it was only safe to stay in the light. Aired: 4/15/94

1x20 Tooms- The sequel to Squeeze, Eugene Victor Tooms is back for more livers! Episode Name Meaning: Eugene Victor Tooms; last name of the bad guy Aired: 4/22/94

1x21 Born Again- A cop dies and the only witness is an 8-year-old girl. Is she the reincarnated soul of a man who wants revenge? Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the reincarnation of Charlie Morris into Michelle Aired: 4/29/94

1x22 Roland- A mentally handicaped man is haunted by his dead twin brother. Episode Name Meaning: The name of the janitor who was mentally-handicapped Aired: 5/6/94

1x23 The Erlenmeyer Flask- Mulder uncovers that clones of humans are being made. Episode Name Meaning: In science experiments, it is used to put liquids and other such things in it. In the episode, Scully examines an eylenmeyer flask that reads, 'Purity Control.' Aired: 5/13/94

Queenie's X-Files