Season 2

Little Green Men The Host Blood Sleepless Duane Barry Ascension 3

One Breath Firewalker Red Museum Excelsius Dei Aubrey Irresistible

Die Hand Die Verletzt Fresh Bones Colony End Game Fearful Symmetry

Død Kalm Humbug The Calusari F. Emasculata Soft Light Our Town Anasazi

2x01 Little Green Men- Mulder remembers his sister's abduction and searches for the truth. Episode Name Meaning: Reference to aliens Aired: 9/16/94

2x02 The Host- In the sewers there lives a monster. A flukeman who kills. Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the host of the flukeworm Aired: 9/23/94

2x03 Blood- Are machines making people go crazy and killing people? Or is it something else? Episode Name Meaning: The word that kept appearing on the eletric things that Ed Funsch saw; he didn't like the sight of blood Aired: 9/30/94

2x04 Sleepless- Soldiers were tested on so that they could never sleep. Episode Name Meaning: The soldiers were made so that they didn't have to sleep; they had been sleepless for years. Aired: 10/7/94

2x05 Duane Barry- An ex-FBI agent who claims to have been abducted by aliens takes hostages and Mulder tries to get them out. (1st part) Episode Name Meaning: The man who claimed to be an alien abductee who took hostages Aired: 10/14/94

2x06 Ascension- Duane Barry has taken Scully. But where and why? (2nd part) Episode Name Meaning: Ascenion means to 'rise up', such as Mulder's ascension to Skyland Mountain and Scully's to the stars. Aired: 10/21/94

2x07 3- Mulder discovers real life vampires. Episode Name Meaning: The father, the son, and the unholy spirit; the two men and Kirsten who claimed to be vampires Aired: 11/4/94

2x08 One Breath- Scully returns but she is near death. Mulder searches for those responsible. Episode Name Meaning: Scully's condition; she is near her last breath or death Aired: 11/11/94

2x09 Firewalker- Mulder and Scully discover a research team for a volcanio that has been infected by something. Episode Name Meaning: The name of the volcanic research project Aired: 11/18/94

2x10 Red Museum- People whose religion centers around not eating meat, are suspected of testing on young children to show the effects of drugs on cows. Episode Name Meaning: The name of the church in the episode is The Church of the Red Museum; it is the church of the religion whose followers don't believe in eating meat Aired: 12/9/94

2x11 Excelsius Dei- A retirement home is haunted by spirits that kill. Episode Name Meaning: The name of the nursing home is the Excelsius Dei Convalescent Home; it is latin for 'The Lord Most High.' Aired: 2/16/94

2x12 Aubrey- A man who killed women and carved 'Sister' in their chest, believed to be dead, is thought to have returned when the murders begin again. Episode Name Meaning: Aubrey, Missouri; the town in which the episode takes place Aired: 1/6/95

2x13 Irresistible- Donnie Pfaster collects women's hair and nails(after killing them). Now he wants Scully's. Episode Name Meaning: Refers to Donnie Pfaster's finding of human hair and fingernails as 'irresistible' Aired: 1/13/95

2x14 Die Hand Die Verletzt- Teachers at a highschool are devil worshippers. Episode Name Meaning: German for 'The Hand That Wounds;' refers to the devil's hand, spoken by the teachers while in prayer Aired: 1/27/95

2x15 Fresh Bones- Is Voodo responsible for people's deaths? Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the recent deaths at the refugee camp for Haitian refugees Aired: 2/3/95

2x16 Colony- A woman claims to be Mulder's sister and asks for his help. (1st part) Episode Name Meaning: Refers to alien colonies which the aliens wish to establish Aired: 2/10/95

2x17 End Game- Scully is taken hostage by the Alien Bounty Hunter and wants to exchange for Samantha, Mulder's sister.(2nd part) Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the final moves in a chess game Aired: 2/17/95

2x18 Fearful Symmetry- An invisible elephant kills people. Are aliens responsible? Episode Name Meaning: Taken from a line of William Blake's poem, 'The Tyger.' Aired: 2/24/95

2x19 Død Kalm- Mulder and Scully are stuck on a ship that makes them age rapidly. Episode Name Meaning: Norwegian for 'Dead Calm'; Mulder and Scully go to Norway and go on a ship on calm water. Aired: 3/10/95

2x20 Humbug- A town filled with circus sideshow people is terrorized by a killer monster. Episode Name Meaning: Term invented by PT Barnum which means to sell something(real or fake) to the public by persuasion. In this case it was the Feejee Mermaid(In real life the Feejee Mermaid was a monkey's upper body sewn to the end of a fish.) Aired: 3/31/95

2x21 The Calusari- A little boy's brother is dead and he's the only suspect. Mulder suspects he is possessed. Episode Name Meaning: The Calusari was the Romanian group that performed the ritual that seperated Charlie from his dead twin brother's spirit. Aired: 4/14/94

2x22 F. Emasculata- A tiny bug is killing alot of people. Episode Name Meaning: Faciphaga Emasculata was the name of the deadly bug in the episode. Aired: 4/28/95

2x23 Soft Light- A man is afraid of his own shadow because it kills. Episode Name Meaning: Refers to light that causes an object or person to cast little or no shadow. Chester Banton sought out such light, like in the train station, because his shadow killed. Aired: 5/5/95

2x24 Our Town- Why are their mounds of bones in the river and why are the people going crazy? Episode Name Meaning: Refers to the town's secret and their willingness to kill to protect their town; also after Thorton Wilder's play of the same name. The play has nothing to do with cannibals, but of a small town's life. The episode was named only in honor of it. Aired: 5/12/95

2x25 Anasazi- A file is found coded in Navajo. It has to do with aliens. (1st part) Episode Name Meaning: Means'Ancient Aliens'(I don't know the language). Refers to the tribe that disappeared without a trace 600 years earlier. Albert believed that they had been abducted. Aired: 5/19/95

Queenie's X-Files