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the Known Terrains

Animated Gif Copyrighted to Steve Bennett for KarmaStorm

the Celestial Gate
Pathway to a Brave New World

Brave New World of the Flesh Time

the Capital City of a Brave New World

the City of Wind and Sand

Valley of the Esmer'aldax
the Walled Elven City

the Lands of Ice and White Fire

the Isle of the Muse
the Great Lyceum

the Great Port City of Vernemeton

Revejunation of the Soul

the Russet Stone Forests
the Ka'liri'hairie Territory

the Swamp Lands

Concepts of the Cities and Places of the CR/EtSBT and all related material is the intellectual property of GEBB. It is protected under international copyright law. This mateiral may not be copied with out written permission from the author.

Midi of Flood II, Copyrighted to the Sisters of Mercy.

The web page template (graphics) use on this page is copyrighted to Ambrosia's Realms. The web page template (graphics)found in throughout the rest of this web site is copyrighted to GEBB and was specially made for use by GEEB by Moon and Back Graphics, and may not be used with our persmission of the owner. The page templates (graphics) use in the following web pages (ones describing the Known Terrains) are copyrighted to Web of Dreams.