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The Daxamites

Daxamites are a humanoid species that hail from the planet Daxam. Hundreds of years ago the Daxamites and Kryptonians fought a huge war against each other to a stalemate. Thousands of lives were lost, and the cause for the war remains unknown, each insisting the other started it. This prejudice and low opinion of either race for the other would stay on for generations to come; such that Kara would exhibit them even whilst young all the way to her early adult years.

When Krypton was destroyed, Kryptonite rained down on the planet claiming the lives of thousands. The Daxamites quickly sought out safety in ships and fled Daxam, scattering across the universe. The Prince of Daxam, Mon-El, made his way through the Well of Stars and ended up landing on Earth. There, he decided to let himself be trained as a hero to give his survival purpose. However, it wasn't until later when he was reunited with his parents on their ship that he learned that thousands of Daxamites managed to survive the devastation. It was also learned that Daxam's climate had become hospitable again and the King and Queen hoped to rebuild their society. When Mon-El chose to stay on Earth instead of return to Daxam, Queen Rhea was so driven by vengeance that she killed King Lar Gand and decided to unleash devastation onto the Earth in retribution. Queen Rhea aligned with Lena Luthor in order to have her assistance in creating a transmatter portal that summoned all the other Daxamite ships scattered across the universe to Earth to make it their new home.

Soldiers beamed down onto National City where they began to take control through aggression though Rhea declared it was for their benefit. To try and stabilize their presence and position on Earth, Rhea planned to wed Mon-El with Lena Luthor. The two were forced to comply but circumstances came into play which had both of them escape Rhea's clutches. Rhea planned to fully destroy National City but Supergirl presented the rite of Dakkum Or in order to resolve the invasion with the least amount of bloodshed. Rhea was challenged by Supergirl to fight for Earth though Rhea violated the rite by ordering her troops to attack before a winner could be decided. This forced the humans to unleash a weapon that doused the atmosphere with lead which made it toxic to Daxamites. The armies of Daxam then fled to Earth to escape the toxicity though Queen Rhea was left behind and died. Mon-El was also forced to leave the Earth and disappeared into an unknown wormhole in space.

Known Daxamites:
Lar Gand
Typical Daxamite Soldier