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Site Map

Homepage     This webpage was created using raw HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript. The choices for link placement on the homepage, and link groupings was planned out in a group meeting in order to try to make the most user friendly version possible, with each page included content-related links. For example, we included interviews on the "People" page, since these were two-on-one interviews between group members and one informant. Field reports were presented in a link on the homepage , but that was also placed in the "People" page because field reports are relevant to the relationships that were revealed during the course of fieldwork, and help explain how we found each informant listed on the "Informant Bios" page.
    The order of the links -top to bottom, and across - on the homepage was also planned to give a semi-chronological progression in subject matter.The history of salsa lays the foundation for looking at the people that move within the culture, which in turn leads to an investigation of places as seen through the field reports,pictures, and a look at the basics of salsa. At the end, you see a link to the conclusions our group came to.
People Places
Field Reports Photos
Basics Conclusions
Interview #1 Relationship Chart
Interview #2 Informants
Interview #3