Here is my favorite chamber: Chamber of the Practicing Jumping Twenty Feet Up Backwards Into a Tree Kung-Fu.
You get another extra description upon entering:
"This small courtyard contains a single, tall tree. From here you can see a sign at the base of it."
Inside the chamber there's a little action spot, designated by the little dot. It gives you this option:
"You stand at the base of a large tree. There a broad, study, bare branch about 20 feet up. A sign at the base of the tree says, "Clear your mind of all thoughts, focus, and leap. Do you?"
Of course, we have to try it. Maybe we'll actually make it!
"You attempt to leap up to the branch, but only end up falling on your duffs. You must not have the high level of specialized training it takes."
Well, what did we expect? It was 20 feet up after all.
There are a few extra interesting rooms. There are two hallways with a small pedestal that spits out fireballs at random for no reason.
There's the poor excuse for a kitchen.
Then there's the library, full of interesting books.
Here's one:
"This is a book of learning for the apprentices of this peculiar monastery. It is titled "When the Strings Can't Show – A Flying Tutorial, by Leslie Cheung."
Or this one:
This is a book of learning for the apprentices of this peculiar monastery. It is titled "Being Master of the Kung-Fu of Holding Breath."
And then this one:
"This is a book of learning for the apprentices of this peculiar monastery. It is titled "Mighty Screw Kung Fu." You're really not sure you like the sound of that."
Yikes! I hope that's not what I think it is. I don't think I'd want to have Mighty Kung Fu sex. It sounds… intensely painful.
And then of course there's the book with the alchemy potion recipe. I actually don't do alchemy ever, so the only reason I came into the dungeon was out of curiosity. I'm so glad I did.
There's a separate study with a book that boosts your character's stats somehow it appears, which is a good thing in and of itself.
"You read the books. They're very detailed and educational books on a variety of martial arts styles and skills, as well as exercises for stretching and developing your muscles. You feel you will be able to put the knowledge within to good use"
Finally, something useful!