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Part 12: Epilogue

This game sucked.  Hard.  One of the most annoying things about the game is how Ariane keeps making references to her job as a photojournalist/reporter.  I have saved all these text clips for you:

"This is my chance for a once-in-a-lifetime story!"

"Let's go have a look at this secret city... When I get out of here, I'll have a mind-boggling exclusive!"

It's magic... Get this whole story and you'll have it made in the shade!

OK, here goes an out-of-this world story!

"Another invention for my exclusive!"

"My investigation covers the surface as well! I'll have enough material to fill a special issue all by myself!"

"If I leave now with this big story, I'll have it made in the shade."

"To give up a story like this would be professional suicide!"

Ariane seems to be obsessed with shade being equivalent to success.

Another odd thing is your laptop. It saves documents for you. Not just that you type in the contents of the documents, but that the whole paper, handwriting and such is saved. Ariane's laptop must have a scanning device or something. Also, it can analyze anything and everything, and has a comprehensive encyclopedia and a program for solving complex equations (which many computers can do, but standard laptops lack the programs to do them).

This review was a pain to make and once the game overheated my computer causing me to lose hours worth of screenshots.  Luckily this was after the vegetable lens shell incident, so I had made lots and lots of savegames. 

Also, the game was supposed to have Alt+Tab abilities, but frequently it took several attempts to bring up Photoshop to dump my shots because it kept glitching out.  And forget using Alt+Tab it if I had any other tabs open, that was annoying.

The most disappointing thing about the game was how little it followed the book.  I was hoping for some red-hot Verne action, but I got this warm pile instead.  The majority of the book was the English adventurers climbing down caves, and that's what I was hoping for.  A PAC about getting to the center, making your discovery, and getting out.  (Although in the book, they technically didn't make it to the core, but that's splitting hairs.) 

The only things from the book that I recognized were the volcano, the underground lake, dinosaurs, and there were some boring plot extras alluding to the characters.  It made me sad.  Maybe there were more allusions I didn't recognize; I haven't read the book in awhile.

All being said and done, though it was pretty fun making this guide.  Depending on how people like/dislike it, I may try it again. 

This one was particularly long because there was so much to rip into it about.  I did see a game at Target that was a PAC… about saving some chick's wedding day.  The cover looked like someone barfed pink flowers in a pink-obsessed grandma's room.  It looks pretty promising for a sequel, so stay tuned…

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email the cartoonist/artist/author/webmaster: dryicesnowmen(at)gmail(dot)com