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Part 7: Submarine and Interlude

We're basically done with the village, so let me give you some insight into Ariane's personal life.  We still have wi-fi wherever we go in the earth's center so we've been getting emails. The weird thing about your internet "connection" is that while you can receive info anywhere, you can't send any emails after that initial SOS.

Anyway, a few messages said stuff like "why are you late?" or "where have you been?" but now things get serious.  Here is one from the incredibly competent rescue crew:

Gee, thanks for not bothering to check that one cave.  Aren't you supposed to check everywhere for me?  Go explore the stupid cave for me; there's a big unused flashlight in my helicopter if you need one.

By now it seems my boss (but not my family) has been informed that I'm missing after my helicopter got smashed on a volcanic island in Iceland.  I get this brilliant email from Hector, the boss:

Brilliant of him.  I'm waiting to be rescued, probably seriously injured and quite possibly dead and he just sends me a fluff and cakes email.  No wonder Ariane is so incompetent; she was hired by this genius.

So to the other side of the giant's village is a submarine pen to diamond mines which Adam recommended I visit.  I hope that going there means Ariane is tricked into eternal slave labor and I don't have to play this anymore, but alas that is not the case. 

You've got to get on the submarine, but the captain won't let you onboard.  By the way, this is one of the few other minorities you can see in the game.  I think he is supposed to be Russian (oh, how Russians love their subs) but it's hard to tell because the voice is done badly and he looks more like a monkey than anything else.

There is a little number roller thing next to the harbor's entrance, and from this you're supposed to deduce that it counts how many people enter.  I had no idea what it was for until I looked online.  But knowing that still didn't help me.  I still had no clue how to sneak onboard.  Internet walkthroughs to the rescue, again.

You have to go and talk to the boy giant who previously ignored you.  You greet him with this:

How creepy of Ariane is that?  Adam must be rubbing off on her.  For all he - or his parents - know, Ariane could just be kidnapping the kid.  But of course, he trustingly follows you and you head off towards the sub.  Now since you know this is the last time you'll be visiting the village, it would be nice if you could bring your knife and machete with you, never know when they might be useful.  You had to drop them to gain entrance to the village, but now you should pick them up.

But I guess you have to leave them there, because I see no way to pick them up. (Sorry if that one's hard to see, it's kinda small.)

Once Ariane is at the harbor, she sends the giant home. "You'd better get back to your family, I'll open the passageway for you." Sending him home lowers the number counter thing, allowing you to sneak in.   What a manipulative bitch.  She totally just used the kid.

Cut to a crappy cut-scene where Ariane gawks out of the submarine.  Why not show us what she's seeing?  A few obligatory extinct sea creatures would have been nice, but all we get to see is an ugly sub and an uglier Ariane.

Part 8: The Diamond Mine

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email the cartoonist/artist/author/webmaster: dryicesnowmen(at)gmail(dot)com