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Ongoing Theme: “From 1877 to the Present ~~ We Are STILL Standing On the Promises of God!"

A Church Built With Faith and Love . . .

          In the years following the Civil War, some members of the Calvary Missionary Baptist Church , Pinewood, South Carolina, were experiencing problems getting transportation to church when needed, because they had to travel such a long distance (in those times) to get there. So they saw the need to establish a church building that was more conveniently located for the people of this and the surrounding area.

          And though there were many stumbling blocks, pitfalls, and discouraging words, with perseverance, hope, faith, and trust in the LORD, in 1877 the St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church was built at this present site. In 1900, the archives reported that the first structure of the church was burned, but the diligent first members rebuilt the current St. Mark structure.

          Rev. C. H. Watson was the first pastor, followed by Rev. C. Weston, then Rev. P. L. Welfare followed in secession by Rev. Lewis W. Walker, Sr., Rev. S. J. Jasper, Rev. Grant Simmons, Rev. Joseph Coard, Rev. Harold Palmer, Rev. Joseph H. Pringle, and lastly our present pastor, the Rev. Willie J. Chandler.

          Along with our pastors (and other ministerial staff), our Deacon and Trustee Boards have always been strong guiding forces here at St. Mark. Some of our past and illustrious deacons include Deacon Frank Huggins, Deacon N. Nikel Oliver, Deacon Jasper Huggins, Deacon Rivers, Deacon Oliver Peoples, Deacon Laura Dukes, Deacon Charlton Holliday, Deacon Willie Bosier, Deacon Yankie Gaymon, Deacon Bolden Holliday, Deacon Alan Wilder, Deacon Ransom Bosier, Deacon Adolphus Gaymon, Deacon Johnny Adger, Deacon Levy Smith, Deacon John Holliday, and Deacon Reuben Clark.

Current Ministerial Staff

  • Rev. Willie J. Chandler, Senior Pastor

  • Rev. Dr. George Gaymon, Associate Minister

  • Min. Bryan Stukes, Youth Pastor

  • Min. Garry Conyers, Associate Minister
  • and
  • Min. Sandra Stukes James, Associate Minister

  • Min. Jacob Rhames, Associate Minister

  • Evang. Henrietta Ragin, Evangelist
Current Board of Deacons

  • Deacon Joe E. Adger

  • Deacon Steven Spann

  • Deacon Albertis Simon, Jr.

  • Deacon Robert W. Oliver

  • Deacon Francis Coard

  • Deacon Ernest James

Current Board of Trustees
  • Sis. Bernice Spann

  • Bro. Jimmy Adger

  • Sis. Azalee Williams-Kinard

  • Bro. Isaac Robinson

  • Bro. Willie L. Singleton, Sr.

  • Bro. Wayne Wells

  • Bro. LeRoy Briggs

Current Staff Members

  • Bro. Levarn Adger, Christian Education Director/Leader & Pastor's Advisor

  • Sis. Azalee Williams-Kinard, Assistant Administrator & Church Clerk

  • Bro. Jimmy Adger, Teasurer

  • Bro. Isaac Robinson, Assistant Treasurer

  • Sis. Rebecca Oliver, Assistant Church Clerk

  • Sis. Dorothy "Dot" Wilder, Financial Secretary, and

  • Sis. Linda C. Logan, Church Secretary

          Through the years, auxiliaries, committees, and ministries have been added to our church. In the earlier years, some include:

  • The organization of the Usher Board -- Sis. Reatha Thames was the first president,

  • The organization of the Missionary Society -- Sis. Eva Holliday was the first president,

  • The organization of the Gospel Choir -- Sis. Annie Adger was the first president,

  • and
  • The organization of the Senior Choir -- Sis. Maude Conyers was the first president.

          St. Mark has been steadily progressing through the years, as in seen in the following . . .

  • We have seen organization of the Junior Choir which was organized under the leadership of Rev. Joseph Coard.

  • The Young Adult Choir ~~ which was later changed to the Adult Choir was organized under the leadership of Rev. Harold Palmer.

  • The Jubilee Choir was first organized as the Pringle Jubilee Choir, under the leadership of Rev. J. H. Pringle.
          Under Rev. Chandler’s leadership, St. Mark, has seen many further positive changes, some of them include:
  • The now defunct Inspirational Choir was organized by combining the Jubilee Choir and the Adult Choir.

  • The Youth Choir was reorganized.

  • The Gospel Choir and the Senior Choir began functioning in a combined effort.

  • The Inspirational Choir, the Senior Choir, and the Gospel Choir has since undergone another reorganization to become one Adult Choir.

  • A Youth in Action for Christ Praise Team has been organized to include Praise Dancers, Praise Steppers & Drill Team.

  • We have female Trustee Members.

  • We now have a Male Chorus has been organized.

  • A The Mass Choir has been organized.

          There are also numerous other changes that we are in the progress of undertaking that we know will be successful with God’s guidance.

          All through these years, we have never forgotten our history. Instead, we proudly and constantly embrace and celebrate it.

          As we continue to look forward to progressive and extended growth here at St. Mark, with expectancy of great things and blessings from the Lord, we strive to continue to be the best that we can be, always serving as a beacon of God’s light to our community. it is all due to our very fine membership who know that “good and positive things endeavored can be done.”

          We are looking forward to greater happenings spiritually, financially, and a closer walk with God.

          We, the members of this great church, pray that St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church will stand as like a lighthouse to all, bringing the ungodly home to the church ~~ because we know that, as is stated in (Psalm 84:4) “ . . . .Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee.

          We are continuing to “Look Ahead,” because as is found in Proverbs 29:18 . . “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Today we – Remember Our Past, Recognize and Possess Our Present, and Reach Up with Anticipation Towards Our Future!

          We realize that there is still much that need to be done and will be done but we are very thankful to the Lord for all He has allowed to be done thus far and for guiding us every step of the way. It is our sincere prayer that, in God's time, Pastor and People, Church and Community, will truly worthy of being called God's "Chosen People!"

St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church    -    7650 Summerton Highway    -   (Silver Community)   -   Pinewood, SC 29125    -   (803) 452-7079
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