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Arcadian Explanations

This page is a quick glossary for the rest of the site. It provides links to more detailed explanations for those who want them.

Arcadia- The imaginary continent where most of my novels are set. It started out as an experiment when I was 14 and has grown into an obsession and the main subject of this website. I took the name from a section of Greece renowned as a peaceful setting for pastorals. My Arcadia is neither peaceful nor really pastoral.

Arion- A second imaginary world. I wrote three massive novels in it, and started a fourth, and didn't wind up happy with it. I think it needs a lot more backstory and history than it has at the moment.

Derlian and Mariera- A massive epic poem, over 100,00 words and 10,000 lines long, that I am trying to get onto the web a piece at a time.

Elwen- A race of creatures I created, basically human-like but with some physical differences and much longer-lived. A fantasy race (boy, are they ever).

Novels- My fantasy novels. A large part of the reason for Arcadia's and Arion's existence. A lot of them.

Poetry- Occasionally, I manage to produce words in something like a good combination of rhyme and rhythm.

Primal- The most advanced of my created languages, though whether I am ever going to get most of the material related to it up is another problem altogether.

Short Stories- Some shorter, mostly Arcadian, works.

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