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My Novels

Here are links for my novels, by worlds and series (or kind in the case of the stand-alones). These are prologues and first chapter(s) only. All material linked off this page copyright 1993-2003 by Anadrel.

Arcadian Novels: My major world. Most of my short stories are Arcadian as well.

The Elwensong Trilogy
The Curalli Quintet
The Silver Unicorn Empire
The Swordwarder Trilogy
The Darkness Duology
The Elwenpride Quartet
The Blue Quintet
The Starseeker Trilogy
The Rowansglory
The Quest Quintet
The 'Dorren' Series
The Swan Series
Stand-Alone Novels

Arianda Novels- Novels set within the world of Arion.

The Arc of Fire (not complete)

Orlathian Novels- Novels set within the world of Orlath. I'm parodying as many fantasy cliches as I can.

