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The Rowansglory Series (Mar. 1999-Mar. 2000)

This was one of the most intense experiences of my life. I had lived inside one character's head for a longer time than I lived inside Herran's, but never at a time when I was writing so well. The world of Rowan became so real to me that I found myself scribbling down facts as if it was a newly created world instead of a long-established city. Things that had been guesswork, like Rowan's system of renting out land, suddenly became clear, as did certain characters .

I won't tell you everything; that would be spoiling the story. I will warn you that this is "high" fantasy in every sense of the word- battles, honor, and (I hope) writing style. Some of the going may be turgid, and my land Elwen characters have a tendency to start arguments rich in philosophy and metaphor. You have been duly warned. (All prologues and chapters copyright 1999-2003 by Anadrel).

Harper of Glory Forerunning- Herran Turnlong is a patrol leader for the city of Rowan, and is content. He would prefer not to get involved in the politics that seem to be tearing his patrol apart. But when the master torturer of Rowan starts to take an interest in him, and he realizes that the woman he loves leads an opposing political faction, he leaps into them headlong.

More Than Glory Abounds- Herran Turnlong would like to get on with his twin goals: serving as a loyal Councilman to the city of Rowan, and dying of his grief for his dead love. But a man who raped one of his allies' daughter is apparently hiding in Rowan, and relations between the land Elwens and the curalli, which use Herran as their linchpin, are suddenly strained. And Quirrin Shennalor starts pressing down on Herran's shoulders about assuming the Councilmastery at the same time...

Touched With Glory- Herran has fallen in love again, but thanks to his vow to his dead sianleno, he feels unable to do anything about it, even when another man starts claiming more of his new love's time and attention. Besides, he has both political enemies due to his position as Councilmaster and land-enemies due to his position as Lord of Turnlong, with other opportunists nibbling around the sides. Surely that's more than enough to occupy any Elwen, love or not.

Glory to Behold- Herran has finally resolved some of the matters in his bond with the Guard Captain Tandra, and feels ready to announce their betrothal. But his politics are not yet so skilled that he can handle everything that comes his way, and allies and enemies in distant parts of the continent would like some of his plans to quietly fall into the dust- or, better yet, would like Herran simply to vanish.

All That's Glory Shines- Herran's wife Tandra annouces she's pregnant. One of Herran's oldest friends immediately challenges her to a duel to the death. This is the way the world goes.

Infinite Is The Glory- Herran has decided that the time has come for him to abdicate his position as Councilmaster of Rowan, mostly for the good of his wife and children (and to stop the constant assassination attempts). However, trying to do so in Rowan, with suspicious violent Elwens watching his every move, and right in the middle of a rising war with the humans, may not be a good idea.

Starsong In Glory- Herran has managed his abdication, and intends to retain it, in spite of the numerous voices urging him to resume the Councilmastery. He rather likes being free, as he can now put his life in danger to serve the causes he favors with more impunity. However, the risks he runs this way get bigger and bigger- and at last he finds that even his life is not enough...

Radiant and Glorious- Herran is finally ready to return to Rowan after months of torture at the hands of his enemies. This would be the time, of course, that the curalli decide to go to war, and for Keesa Firehair to decide she would really like to be Councilmaster.

Claiming Glory- Herran has enough to do, being Lord of Turnlong, running a school for the mage-gifted, and offering unofficial political advice to Rowan's Councilmaster. But evidence of an old betrayal sets him running on his usual path into darkness, clashing not only with political enemies but with his apparently mad daughter, an escaped assassin, and the persistent voices urging him to return to his old position.

Voice of Glory- What good is power if you can't use it? Not much, Herran decides, and since they made him be Councilmaster again, he can damn well end slavery in the Tableland. He intends to do it without taking any lives if he can help it, either- slave or slaver. And no one, enemy or ally, is being very cooperative with that notion.