Writers Guild Constitution

Constitution of the Writer’s Guild

Monday, December 09, 2002


Article I.                     Name

A.  The official name of the organization will be the Writer’s Guild.  Hereinafter referred to as the Association.


Article II.                    Objectives

A.     To facilitate easy interaction between Michigan Technological University (MTU) students who have an interest in creative writing.

B.     To assist in developing and refining authors creative writing skills.

C.     To create an atmosphere where MTU students can enjoy, experience creative writing, and allow it to enrich their lives.

D.     To assist authors in their efforts to get published.

E.      To help students develop creative thinking and expression.

F.      Fundamental Philosophy

1.   Given enough practice, instruction, and work, any individual can create professional level writing.  Only those writers who are passionate about their writing, and who have something they want to share with the world will be able to use this instruction to create truly great writing.  The Association assumes that any person who joins has these qualities to some degree or another.  It is the objective of the Association to help MTU students develop their creative writing skills, and their passion for writing.  Ideally, they will not only improve how well they write, but how well they understand their beliefs and feelings on what they are writing about.


Article III.      Membership

A.        Qualifications

1.   Voting membership shall be granted to those persons who are currently registered students at MTU

2.   In compliance with Michigan Technological University’s Board of Control Equal Opportunity Policy effective 7/20/90, the Association will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, height, weight, or marital status.  The organization must also be committed to the policy of not discriminating against handicapped individual’s or veterans. .

B.   Class of membership

1.   Regular membership shall be granted to any currently registered student who indicates an interest and is currently paid up on their dues.

2.   Associate membership shall be granted to those persons who are not registered students but have a commitment to the objectives mentioned in Article II.

C.  Removal of members

1.   A member may be disassociated from the organization on the grounds of abusive behavior or behaviors destructive to the organization and/or it’s purpose.

2.   Removal will require a 2/3 majority vote of regular members, at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

3.   A quorum shall be when 45% of the regular members are present.

i.    If a quorum can not be reached after two successive meetings, a 2/3 majority vote of present regular members shall decide the issue.

D. Only regular members have the right to vote and hold office.


Article IV                    Officers

A.  Offices

      1.   President

      2.   Vice President

      3.   Secretary

      4.   Treasurer

      5.   Public Relations Officer

                        B   Officer qualifications

                              1.   All officers must be registered and enrolled MTU students.

                              2.   All officers must have 2.00 GPA at the time of nomination for election.

                        C  Term of office

                              1.   Elections will take place at the first meeting of every spring semester.

                              2.   The officers will begin their term in office immediately following the meeting of the election and will serve through the election at the first                                                meeting of the beginning of the following semester. 

3.   Officer’s terms are renewable up to a period of four complete terms.

                        D  Elections

1.   Voting will be by secret ballot with the ballots being counted by the current secretary (unless they are running for an elected position, in which case another officer will take their place)  and a member appointed from the regular membership (who is not running for office).  They shall be appointed by the President.

2.   A simple plurality vote of a quorum of the regular members at the meeting shall determine the outcome of elections.

                        E.  Officer duties

1.   President:  The president is responsible for the organization and proceeding of regular meetings.  He/she also organizes special committees.   He/she shall vote only to break a tie vote.  The president may assist officers and committee members if necessary.  The president is ultimately responsible for the coordination of all Association activities.

2.   Vice President:  The vice president shall preside over the office of president when the president is absent and be the chair of the Creative Development Committee.  If the vice president agrees, the president may delegate some of his specified duties to the vice president.

3.   Secretary:  The secretary is responsible for meeting minutes and chairing the Membership Committee.

4.   Treasurer:  The treasurer shall keep records of all income, expenditures, and other financial matters.  He/she will prepare a budget before the end of spring quarter/semester with the assistance of the outgoing treasurer.  The treasurer also chairs the Finance Committee.

5.   Public Relations Officer:  The public relations officer shall oversee all publications and advertisements required by the association.  The public relations officer also chairs the Publishing Committee.

                        G.  Filling vacancies

                              1.   Vacancies are filled in the same manner as regular elections. 

                              2.   Vacancies must be filled at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

3.   The president can appoint an interim to an office, until such time as the special-election takes place.

                        H.  Impeachment

1.   An officer may be removed from office on the grounds of malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance of their duties by a 2/3 majority vote of regular members, at a meeting at which a quorum is present.


Article V                     Advisor(s)

A.  The advisor shall be a full-time member of the faculty or staff of MTU.  He/she maintains continuity, offers guidance, helps cut through red tape, serves as a sounding board, assists officers, and is an all-around resource person.

B.   The Advisor is elected in the same manner as the officers (Article IV, D).  The election results are then forwarded to the Office of Student Activities, which then appoints an advisor(s), which may, or may not be the elected advisor.

C.  The term of office for the advisor(s) is one year, renewable indefinitely.


Article VI                    Committees

                        A.  Standing Committees

1.   The Creative Development Committee is in charge of all Association activities intended for development of writing abilities or other skills advantageous to creative expression.

            i.          They develop and research games for the above mentioned purposes.

            ii.          They organize Association activities and meetings.        

            iii.         They develop writing workshops.

2.   The Membership Committee helps recruit new members and monitors the feelings and desires of the current membership. 

i.          This committee is in charge of developing ideas for recruitment. 

ii.          They also maintain a list of registered Association members.

iii.         They provide a forum for addressing member grievances.

iv.   They ensure that club activities are not mentally, emotionally, or physically intentionally harmful to club members, or to the clubs reputation.

v.   They provide guidelines meant to limit, if not eliminate, unintentional harm to club members and things which would compromise the club’s reputation.

a.   Harm is defined as actions which directly result in the decrease of a person’s quality of life.

3.   The Finance Committee assists the Treasurer in preparing a budget and makes recommendations for fund-raisers.

            i.          Fund-raisers and membership dues will generate moneys.

ii.          An expenditure over $20.00 will require approval of the Treasurer.

iii.         An expenditure over $100.00 will require approval of the regular members.

iv.         Money’s will be kept in a recognized banking institution within Houghton county.

v.         All expenditure checks will require the signature of the Treasurer.

vi.         Sound bookkeeping practices will be maintained at all times.

                              4.   The Publishing Committee assists members with getting published.

i.          The committee shall maintain and make approved changes to the Association’s web site.

                              ii.          They shall research and provide information for professional publishing.

iii.         They shall attempt to develop contacts and resources with local publishers and authors.

                        B.         Special committees will be formed as needed.

                              1.  The president with the majority approval of the officers appoints special committees.

2.  Special committees exist as long as the president deems them necessary; however, they may not exist longer than one year without                           being re-approved by the executive board.


Article VII      Dues

A.        Payment of dues is a requirement of membership.

            1.  The treasurer will recommend to the officers the amount for dues for the upcoming year.

      2.  The officers will make recommendations to the general membership for dues for the upcoming year.

      3.  Dues will be set at the time of the annual officer elections.  Dues will be approved by a plurality vote of a quorum of the regular              membership.

                        B.         Dues must be paid before the 7th week of the semester.

                        C.        Dues are paid to the current treasurer.


Article VIII     Meetings

                        A.        Types of meetings.

                                    1.  Regular meetings will be at least twice per month during the academic year.

      2.  Special meetings are defined as those meetings that take place outside of the regularly scheduled meetings.

                        B.         Who may call meetings.

      1.  Regular meetings are called by the president and follow a schedule determined at the beginning of each semester.

      2.  Special meetings may be called by the president or at the request of at least three voting members.

                        C.        45% of the regular members must be present to constitute a quorum.

                        D.        Attendance of meetings, regular and special, is not required but is strongly encouraged.


Article IX                    Constitution

                        A.        Adoption.

                                    1.  This constitution must be ratified by a two-thirds majority of the charter membership.

      2.  It will take effect when approved by the Office of the Dean of Students or its designated representative.

                        B.         Amendments.

1.   Any voting members may propose an amendment.  This proposed amendment must be in writing and presented at a regular meeting.

i.    The proposed amendment must be seconded by another voting member to be considered a valid proposal.

2.   Members must be notified that a vote will take place on an amendment at least one week prior to the meeting at which the vote is to occur. 

i.    Notification will be via email sent to member’s MTU email address.

3.   A vote on said amendment will be taken at the next regular meeting to allow the membership to discuss and/or debate the pros and cons of the amendment.  A two-third majority of the regular membership is required for passage.

4.   Said amendment will take effect when approved by the Office of the Dean of Students or its designated representative.

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