Frequently Asked Questions




If you can think of a question we have not answered, send an email to the webmaster, and we will add it.



How does the Writer's Guild Work?

    The purpose of the Writer's Guild above all else is to create a constant sense of community between M.T.U. writers.  We accomplish primarily through two methods.  The first is regular meetings, held every Saturday, you can learn more about them at our meetings section.  The second, and equally used method is by the internet.  We maintain many interactive sections of our webpage, including a discussion forum, an online library, and general information for writers.  We also conduct many email based "games" to help writers keep writing.  The idea is that you as a writer will always feel a sense of constant communication with other writers, without taking too much time out of your schedule. 


How do I get involved?

    There are many ways to get involved in the Writer's Guild.  One of the best ways that you can do right now is frequently visit our website to keep informed of what we are doing.  Also come to our meetings.  Finally, you can send an email to the Public Relations Officer, or any of the other Officers, and we will be more than happy to help you.


Is there a time commitment?

    There are no minimal time commitments.  This is one of those deals where you get out what you put into it.  But it's fine, the Writer's Guild isn't designed to work on specific slated times or time quotas.  Although we would love to see you at the meetings.


Do I need to show up for meetings?

    Of course not.  We are perfectly aware that there are students who can only be involved with an organization through email and the internet, everything else taking too much time.  That is why the Writer's Guild is designed so that half of our effect will be through the internet and email, and our webpage.  No you do not need to show up for meetings, but you are missing a good half of what we do at the Writer's Guild.  And we would certainly to see you.  You don't even need to show up to every meeting.  That is why they alternate between focusing on poetry and prose.  If you are only interested in one, then you only need to think about going to a meeting every other week!


But I don' think I have enough spare time.

    Before you start thinking that you don't have the time to join another club, let me tell you that the Writer's Guild is designed to not take up your time. Our meetings are minimal. We are currently planning having alternating meetings of prose and poetry weekly on Saturdays. That is the only actual permanent meeting we have planned. So if you are only interested in one, you are only looking at one meeting every other week! And you don't even need to come to the meetings. We are intending to be just as visible through the Internet. We are currently designing a highly interactive web page, where writers can post their work for web publishing, can post rough drafts for peer editing, find information about writing and publishing resources, and many more services as the guild grows. There are also plans for numerous email based activities, such as chain story writing, various writing games, email discussions, I even am currently running an email list called the Poet's Pen, where students receive poetry almost every other day! The Writer's Guild is intended to make a community of interactive writer's, without taking up your time.




Writers Guild Constitution
Frequently Asked Questions
Links for Writers
Meeting Information
Guild Officers
Photo Gallery
Guild Member's Library