Links for Writers



Poetry. COM

    Good place for browsing through poetry and getting inspiration, also has many contests.


Poets Against the War

    This site started when the White House invited several poets to come and visit.  Many of them declined, because of the upcoming war in Iraq.  The website has taken off like a wildfire to include over 5,000 poems opposing the war in Iraq in one for or another.  There is some very passionate stuff here, and no end of reading material.




Literary Library





Coffee Press Journal

    Good for first time publishing.  Very encouraging to "new" writers.


Poetry. COM

   Can post your poetry online, it may end up in one of their yearly publications.


C-literary magazine (

    On campus literary magazine that accepts student submissions.  Follow this link to email them.


S.T.A. (Student Theater Association)

     Accepts student written submissions for plays they put on.  You can have your play performed in front of a live audience!  Also try emailing them at or subscribe to their mailing lists: (the general mailing list) or (writer's mailing list).



Writing Development:

Wisconsin University Independant Study

    Correspondence-like course.  Good for sharpening your skills.



    Workshop style writing classes.  They also have some online actual courses.  Designed for improving specific writing skills.



Long Ridge Writers Group.

    91 Long Ridge Road

    West Redding, CT 06896-0801

        These people guarantee that you will have at least two manuscripts for submission to editors for professional publishing by the end of their course.  Correspondence based, you work with a professional writer who is your mentor.


Suggest a writing related link

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What does it fit into:




        Writing Development

        Whatever Else





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