Meeting Information


Meetings will be held every Saturday starting at 2:00 p.m.  The general theme of a meeting is to work on revising members writing, and just plain reading it for fun of course, to play a few games that help refine writing techniques, and to just share camaraderie with guild members. 


Calendar of Events



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
  1 2 3 .4


5. Regular Meeting 6
7 8 9


10 11 12. Regular Meeting 13
14 15 16


17 18 19. Regular Meeting 20
21 22 23


24 25 26. Regular Meeting 27
28 29 30  





Suggestions/General Guidelines for Editing People's Work at the Meetings

  1. It's nice to have someone recognize when the author has done something well, but that alone won't help them improve their writing, which is why they came to you in the first place.

  2. Use constructive comments.  Offer suggestions for improvement.

  3. Never attack the author.

  4. Try not to attack the writing either. It isn't your enemy, there is no need to needlessly degrade it.

  5. Remember how long the author has worked on this writing. 

  6. It helps to thank them for putting their necks out and letting you read their stuff.




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Frequently Asked Questions
Links for Writers
Meeting Information
Guild Officers
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Guild Member's Library