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Ashley Peters - First Submission - January 13th, 2002
A Tribute to One

S0ldi3rz3r0 - Submitted - January 27th, 2002
A World Without You

Toris Okotie - Submitted - April 1st, 2002
The Fall of W.T.C.

Remembering Our Love

To My Love

Missing You

The Distance Of Love

Who Will Love Me

African Palm Tree

Sins of Men

To My Lady

Sean Collins - Submitted May 28th, 2002
Time Controls You

Death Becomes you

To the Gates of Hell


Jo Iyam - Submitted December 10th, 2003
Sparkling Blue Eyes

He Kissed Me

Embracing Darkness

Gabriel, Love Me

Satan, Seduce Me

Mandy Gershan
- Submitted December 24th, 2003
Magic Mushroom

Mopar Madness

The Key

Fingers of Fall


Jessica Anderson - Submitted January 18th, 2004
I Will Save You for Another Day

Sapphire Rose


Keep those poems coming! - Alex